Can I drive other vehicles on my insurance?

In the past, driving other cars cover was a fairly standard addition to comprehensive policies, but fewer insurers now offer it as it was always only intended to be used for emergency situations. The car you want to drive must be covered by an existing insurance policy, and you must have permission to drive it.
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Can I drive my other car on my insurance?

Every car needs it own insurance policy, so you can't insure yourself to drive any car. If you have DOC on your policy, you might be able to drive someone else's car in an emergency. But this doesn't entitle you to drive any car.
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Can you insure yourself to drive any vehicle?

To legally drive a car that is not yours, even if it belongs to friends or a family member, you need insurance. You can get insurance as a named driver on their car insurance policy, take out temporary insurance, or you have your own car insurance policy that includes DOC.
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How do you check if I can drive other cars?

If you're not already added as a named driver on their policy, check to see if you're still covered to drive their car with your insurance provider. There will be a section in your policy documents which will tell you under what circumstances, if any, you are legally allowed to drive another vehicle.
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Can I drive a car if my name is not on the insurance?

It might be an emergency or you may have permission from the car owner, but that doesn't mean it's legal. Unless you're a 'named driver' on their car insurance, you almost certainly won't be insured. And both the driver and car owner can run into trouble if caught without the necessary cover.
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Can Someone Who Is Not On My Insurance Drive My Car?

Can I drive someone else's car if I'm fully comp?

In the past, driving other cars cover was a fairly standard addition to comprehensive policies, but fewer insurers now offer it as it was always only intended to be used for emergency situations. The car you want to drive must be covered by an existing insurance policy, and you must have permission to drive it.
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Can you drive someone else's car with a provisional?

You can drive any car as long as you're a named driver on the owner's insurance policy. This includes your car if you have one, though you can ONLY drive it when you have a supervisor present. Check that any car you plan on driving is roadworthy and fully insured.
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Can a named driver drive another car?

In some cases your own motor insurance policy may cover you for driving another person's vehicle (providing they also have insurance). This is normally called Driving Other Cars or DOC cover.
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What is fronting in insurance?

What is fronting in insurance? Fronting is a type of car insurance fraud where a more experienced driver claims to be the main driver of a car, when in fact they're not. People do this as a way to get cheaper car insurance, often for their children.
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Can you be the main driver on 2 cars?

The main and named driver have the same level of cover on the car. But a named driver could be the main driver on another vehicle. You can be the main driver of more than one car. But insurance companies will often question it… to check for fronting.
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How do insurers prove fronting?

Insurance companies use a range of different techniques to try and detect car insurance fronting. Motor insurance databases usually come in handy in situations like this, but the most effective way insurers catch out people fronting is when a claim is made. Find out more about car insurance here.
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How do people get caught insurance fronting?

Fronting will most likely be discovered when a claim is made. If it is the named driver who is involved in a collision, for example, an insurance provider may launch an investigation.
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How much does insurance fronting cost?

The cost of using a fronting company is based on a percentage of gross written premiums. For example, the percentage charged might be somewhere between 6 and 10 percent depending on the scope of services provided by the fronting company and prevailing interest rates at the time the arrangement is made.
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What are the disadvantages of being a named driver?

Named drivers usually won't get a no-claims discount

Usually it's only the insurance policyholder or car's main driver that can build up a no-claims discount. Some insurers do offer named drivers a discount if they haven't made a claim and decide to take out their own insurance policy in the future.
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Can I drive other cars on my Aviva insurance?

Driving Other Cars cover is also not available on policies in the name of a business. The driver must be 25 or older when your motor policy with us started or renewed. You don't need to tell us that you'll be driving the other car, but you must have the car owner's consent.
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What's the cheapest way to insure a learner driver?

Insure the learner driver on a shared car

Getting a short term insurance policy for the learner on a parent's car is a cheap and flexible option for learners who want to practice outside lessons with a driving instructor.
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Do you need insurance to drive someone else's car as a learner?

You need your own insurance as a learner driver if you're practising in a car you own. Your family member or friend will usually be covered on this. If you're practising in someone else's car, you need to either: make sure you're covered by the car owner's insurance policy as a learner driver.
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Can my son drive my car with my permission?

You must be properly insured if you drive on the public road, no matter how short the distance, even if your parents have given their permission for you to drive the car, and even if they have their own insurance policy covering the vehicle.
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Who pays fronting fee?

If the captive or self-insured fails to provide indemnity (e.g. goes insolvent because of a massive loss), however, then the fronting company must fulfill the policy. As a result, the fronting company takes on the risk and charges a fee for this service. The fee is usually paid as a percent of the premium.
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Is it expensive to add second car to insurance?

Most providers offer a further discount for each additional car you bring to the policy. So, if you start the policy with two cars and then introduce a third car, the first and second car will have a discount applied to them as well at the third car.
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Is it worth making a claim on home insurance?

Having a claim on your record can mean the cost of your home insurance goes up – but not always. Larger claims, such as repairs after extensive storm damage, are much more likely to cause an increase. On the other hand, smaller claims such as replacing a damaged laptop, will have little or no impact.
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Can you go to jail for fronting?

Fronting is a criminal offence so if your insurer catches you out you could be prosecuted for fraud.
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Is fronting hard to prove?

It might seem that car insurance fronting is unlikely to be detected - virtually impossible to detect, even. Surely, no insurer has the time (or inclination) to check the main driver on every policy. This might be true, however cases often get discovered as and when a claim is made.
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What is the punishment for fronting?

If a driver is found to be fronting they may have all or part of their insurance claim refused by their insurer, their policy may be cancelled and they could face prosecution for fraud, which can lead to a criminal record. Additionally, they may find it difficult to get insurance again in the future.
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Do insurance companies check who owns the car?

Insuring a car you don't own

Usually, you can only insure a partner's car, one owned by a parent, an employer's car or a leased vehicle. Most insurers assume that you own the car insured. If this is not the case, and you have not told the insurance company about ownership details, the policy will be invalid.
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