Can I make my wife sell our house?

Your partner cannot force you to sell the home – you must first voluntarily agree to a sale. However, they can apply to the court for an order for sale of the property. The court will consider a number of factors regarding your circumstances, such as whether the property is a family home to dependent children.
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Can my husband force me to sell my house?

It's important to understand that you can't force your spouse to sell the property if they don't want to. It is only a court that can order a sale of a property. The court will generally only force a sale if it's in the best interests of both parties.
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Can my wife refuse to sell the house in a divorce?

However, you cannot force your partner, and your partner cannot force you into a sale. In order for a sale to take place, both partners must agree to a sale voluntarily. If one partner is refusing to sell, you will be able to apply to the court for an order for sale of property.
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Do I have to sell the house if we split up?

If you are not in agreement then one or the other of you could raise court proceedings to force the sale of the property. We would always advise that an action for division and sale of a property should be the last resort and parties should attempt to resolve matters out with the court process.
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Can my wife sell the house without me knowing?

This applies regardless of whether you are married or in a civil partnership. However, if the property is jointly owned with your spouse, you cannot sell it without their consent. Both people have an equal right to the property, and any decision to sell or transfer ownership requires mutual agreement.
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Going Through A Divorce, Should I Sell The House?

Can you sell a house if your partner refuses?

However, you cannot force your partner, and your partner cannot force you into a sale. In order for a sale to take place, both partners must agree to a sale voluntarily. If one partner is refusing to sell, you will be able to apply to the court for an order for sale of property.
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Can I sell my house without my husband's permission?

In joint ownership, both partners have an equal stake in the ownership of the property. This means they both must consent to selling. However, in sole ownership, only one partner owns the home hence they can sell without a partner's consent.
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Who gets to stay in the house during separation?

Whether you rent or own your home, or whether it's in just one or both of your names, both parties have legal 'home rights'. Home rights allow both you and your partner to stay in the property regardless of who bought it.
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Can I force my partner to move out?

If you refuse to leave, your partner can apply to the court for an order of ejection or can even ask the police for help in getting you out. However, the police are unlikely to want to get involved if your partner doesn't have a court order.
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Who pays the mortgage if marriage breaks up?

You and your ex-partner are equally liable for the mortgage - this remains true even if the loan is based on the income of one party or if one party moves out of the property.
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Is it better to divorce before selling house?

Financial Considerations

In some cases, selling the family home before the divorce is finalised could help both parties to settle financial matters more smoothly.
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How do I force my partner to sell my house?

If one person wishes to sell the house and the other does not, an action of division and sale needs to be raised to ask the court to order a sale. The other person can ask the court to postpone or refuse the sale.
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Can I legally force my ex to sell the house?

Children are not the only deciding factor of what happens to a property during a divorce. If you don't have any children but the home is in both of your names, your ex still cannot force you to sell. In this case, with both your names on the deeds, you are both entitled to a share in the home.
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Is my husband entitled to half my house if it's in my name?

People who are married or in a civil partnership have an automatic legal right to most assets owned by their partner, including their home. However, for parties who are not married, the law surrounding the ownership of property and assets is strict and can be brutal.
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How much does it cost to force a house sale?

Depending on the legalities, nobody can be forced to sell or leave their home. Trying to force a sale through, whether it's the right or wrong thing to do, can cost between £2,000 and £5,000. However, this fee can increase if there are children involved or if proceedings take longer than expected.
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What happens if you have a joint mortgage and split up?

Even after a separation, it's important that both you and your ex-partner continue to make your joint mortgage repayments until you've decided what to do. Regardless of whether you're both living at the property, you're still liable for the debt. When you have a joint mortgage, you become financially linked.
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Can a husband force his wife to move out?

You Can't Be Forced to Leave Your Home

Whether it is Alabama or any other state in the US, a spouse can't force another to move out of a family home or marital home without court orders. You need an occupation order to remove a spouse from a marital house. The orders are common in cases of domestic violence.
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How do you get rid of a partner that won't leave?

If you refuse to leave, your partner can apply to the court for an order of ejection or can even ask the police for help in getting you out.
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How do I evict an unwanted partner from my house?

It's important you don't put yourself in danger so may want her to leave quite quickly. You can give notice verbally or in writing. Once any notice period has ended, you are within your rights to change the locks.
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Can my wife ask me to leave the house?

FAQs - Your Rights If Your Partner Wants You to Move Out

No, your partner cannot kick you out of the house if your name is on the lease or mortgage. Both parties have the right to stay in the home, and only a court order can force you to leave in most cases.
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Can you divorce without splitting assets?

Whilst it is possible to finalise your divorce or civil partnership dissolution without sorting out the financial arrangements, it is not usually recommended. Simply terminating the marriage or civil partnership does not prevent either party from claiming financial provision.
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Do I have to let my wife move back in?

If you have a valid agreement in place that addresses who will stay in the house and who will move out, you have leverage through that agreement for keeping your spouse out. Without such an agreement you may have to get a court order from the judge to keep them out if they insist on moving back in.
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Can I be forced to sell a jointly owned house?

Unless you and your spouse agree to deal with the home in another way, they can apply to Court for an order for sale. Such an order would not ordinarily be made until a final hearing.
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What are my rights if my name is not on the deeds?

At Churchers, we are often asked by cohabitees and family members, 'What are my rights if my name is not on the deeds? ' You could be entitled to a share of the proceeds of the sale of a property if your name is not on the title deeds to the home, especially if you have contributed financially.
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What are my rights to house in separation?

Ordinarily, a separated spouse will still have the right to enter the marital home. However, if there have been incidents of domestic abuse, it may be possible to restrict this right by applying for a court injunction to prevent a spouse or partner from entering the family home.
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