Can I sell my house to my son and still live in it UK?

If you play your cards right, you can leave a home worth up to £1 million to your children tax-free. You can also continue to live in it for the rest of your life. Everyone has an inheritance tax allowance of £325,000. That means no tax is due on the first £325,000 of assets you leave behind.
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Can I gift my house to my son and still live in it?

As this is a permanent transfer of a property, there is some risk involved. Gifting your house to your children means you are no longer the homeowner, and you give up any legal rights to the property. This is not always a problem, but it can put you in a vulnerable position if you intend to keep living in the property.
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Can I sell my house and move in with my son?

Legally, you can sell your property to anyone – including your children. But there are some major tax and lending implications you'll need to consider if you sell your home to your children for less than its market value.
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Can I sell my house for a pound to my son?

So, if you're still asking, “Can I gift my house to my children,” the answer is maybe. It is possible to sell your house for £1 to your child, but it will be considered a 'gift. ' There are considerations you should make when making a decision such as this. You need to know how much to budget for fees, taxes and more.
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Can I buy my parents house and let them live in it rent free UK?

Allowing Family to Live Rent Free

However, if the theoretical rental value of the property – also known as the “fair market value” – sits above the annual gift allowance stipulated by HMRC, the excess amount will be added to the value of your parents' estate and will therefore be subject to Inheritance Tax (IHT).
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Gifting Your House To Your Children

Can I buy my parents a house and let them live in it rent free?

If your parents are living in the property rent-free or below the fair market rate, you may face restrictions on the ability to claim landlord expenses for tax purposes. This limitation can affect your ability to offset costs associated with property ownership, so be sure that you to plan your finances accordingly.
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Can my daughter live in a house I own rent free?

If you own the second home outright, you can let a relative (or even a friend) live in it rent free. However, you must still comply with your responsibilities as a landlord. If the property is mortgaged, your mortgage provider will almost certainly refuse to let anyone live in it rent free.
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What is the most tax efficient way to leave a home to a child?

By gifting assets to your children during your lifetime, you can reduce the value of your estate and minimise the inheritance tax due. Gifting property removes that value from your estate for inheritance tax purposes. Even if you live for 7 years after making the gift, it is not included in your estate.
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Can I sell 50% of my house to my son?

Your main options are to apply for a transfer of equity, where you are adding your son to the mortgage and deeds, and staying on yourselves. You can either approach your existing lender for permission or can look to remortgage to a new lender.
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How long do I need to live in a house to avoid capital gains tax UK?

You're only liable to pay CGT on any property that isn't your primary place of residence - i.e. your main home where you have lived for at least 2 years. So it's landlords, investors and people with second homes or Buy To Let portfolios who really need to keep their ears open.
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Can my mum and dad give me their house?

Despite the amounts involved, it is possible to transfer ownership of your property without money changing hands. This process can either be called a deed of gift or transfer of gift, both definitions mean the same thing. Executing a deed of gift can be a complex undertaking, but it isn't impossible.
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Do I need a solicitor to sell my house to my son?

A conveyancing solicitor will need to be instructed, in order to handle the transfer of the deeds from you to your son or daughter, or other family member. Contracts are still exchanged and completion dates confirmed. So there will still be legal fees to pay.
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Can I add my son's name to my house deeds UK?

In order to add your child's name to the deeds, you'll need to transfer a share of equity to them. This needs to be overseen by a solicitor like us at Bromfield Legal.
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Can I sell my house to my son to avoid care costs?

Some individuals may think about transferring their property to their children in an effort to sidestep paying care fees. However, this tactic can have unintended consequences, as it may be regarded as a deliberate deprivation of assets.
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How do I transfer property to a family member tax free UK?

In order to transfer property to a family member as a gift, you'll need to execute a “Deed of Gift”. This is also known as a “Transfer of Gift”. This legal process ends with the family member(s) classified as the property's legal proprietors. The new owners' names will then appear on the Land Registry.
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Do I need a solicitor to transfer ownership of a property?

Although in some cases, you could complete a transfer of equity without a solicitor – although some forms will likely need a signature to be witnessed by a notary or legal professional – it is not advised. The transfer of equity process can be complex.
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How long are you liable after selling a house UK?

Are you liable for anything after selling a house? Not anything, but you are liable for anything that was misrepresented to the buyer. If a problem comes up that you didn't tell a buyer about, under the Misrepresentation Act of 1967, you are legally liable for six years.
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Do you pay stamp duty on gifted property?

Generally, you do not need to pay capital gain tax or stamp duty for gifting a property. If you are given the property in a will, then there is no stamp duty to consider. If the property is mortgaged, then you would need to pay stamp duty on the transfer.
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Can I leave my house to my child in a will?

Your house is most likely your biggest asset and leaving your home to your children in your Will could help to secure their future. However, a substantial gift in a Will can carry a range of complications and it is important to consider whether leaving your house to your children is right for you.
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What should you not write in a will?

A will is not the place to make poignant statements or unusual requests. It is a legal document which should be kept as simple as possible, so as not to raise difficulties for those dealing with your estate when the time comes.
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What is the 7 year inheritance tax loophole?

The 7 year rule

No tax is due on any gifts you give if you live for 7 years after giving them - unless the gift is part of a trust. This is known as the 7 year rule.
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Can I put my house in a trust for my children and avoid inheritance tax?

Trusts can be an effective way to reduce your inheritance tax (IHT) liability. Placing an asset into a trust relinquishes ownership to the trustee/s. This means that the value of that asset will be removed from your estate and therefore will not be liable for IHT after 7 years unless it is an exempt transfer.
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Can I let a family member live in my house?

The main legal requirement when renting property to family members is that you have the correct mortgage in place. And you must tell your lender that you're planning to rent to a family member, as failure to do so may be considered mortgage fraud.
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Is it illegal to rent out a house without a buy to let mortgage?

You can rent a property without a buy-to-let mortgage only if you own the property outright.
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Does a family member count as a lodger?

To summarise, you can rent your property to a family member. If they pay rent and hold a licence of agreement in place, then they are a lodger. A lodger is anyone who rents out your property and lives with you, the landlord. Even if the lodger is a family member, you have the responsibilities of a landlord.
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