Can I shoot magpies in my garden?

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People who will kill magpies on their property may be legally challenged and they will have to provide proof that the killing was necessary. In cases like this, the scientific findings which indicate that magpies are no threat to garden birds will be used as evidence against the perpetrator.
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Can you shoot magpies with an air rifle?

Modern air rifles are also extremely accurate; with the right pellet and a bit of practice you should be able to humanely dispatch small pests such as rats, rabbits, grey squirrels and magpies out to 35m and beyond.
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How do I get rid of magpies in my garden?

Tip Two - Cover Areas with Netting Where Possible

The magpies might enjoy your garden because of the food sources that they have found there. If you grow fruit or veg in your garden or you have any other sources of food, then consider laying down some netting. It makes it harder for the birds to scavenge.
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What can I shoot in my garden UK?

In Scotland only you can shoot greylag geese, in England, you can shoot ringnecked parakeets but not monk parakeets, and in Northern Ireland only you can shoot starlings. Can you shoot a duck, pheasant, partridge or grouse in your back garden? Yes you can.
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Are magpies classed as vermin in UK?

Unlike game birds, such as pheasant and grouse, which may only be hunted during open season, magpies are grouped with crows and woodpigeons in the category of pest and may be controlled at any time of year.
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Is It Ever Ok to Shoot Birds in Your Garden? | This Morning

Can I shoot magpies on my property?

People who will kill magpies on their property may be legally challenged and they will have to provide proof that the killing was necessary. In cases like this, the scientific findings which indicate that magpies are no threat to garden birds will be used as evidence against the perpetrator.
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How do I get rid of magpies in my garden UK?

Magpies don't like reflecting light. So hanging CDs or plastic bottles half-full of water can be an effective way to keep them away. Alternatively, try these bird repellant balloons in yellow, black and white.
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Can I shoot a wood pigeon in my garden UK?

The lethal control (killing) of pigeons, seagulls and other wild birds in the UK is legislated by the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), courtesy of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Chapter 69), which effectively reports that it is illegal to kill or injure any wild bird, including pigeons ...
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Is it illegal to shoot an air rifle in your back garden UK?

Airguns may be used only on land where the user has full permission to shoot. This may be your garden, or private land owned or leased by an individual or club. Remember, wherever you shoot, you must ensure that all of your pellets remain within the boundary of the land to which your shooting permission applies.
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What can I legally shoot with an air rifle UK?

  • rabbits.
  • grey squirrels.
  • rats.
  • stoats.
  • mink.
  • woodpigeon.
  • feral pigeon.
  • carrion crows.
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What smell do magpies hate?

Vinegar. Birds can be triggered by the harsh, unpleasant smell of vinegar and will avoid it. Citrus oil. Birds tend to avoid the smell of citrus because they don't like it.
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Why do I have lots of magpies in my garden?

Why do I have so many magpies in my garden? Magpies wiill normally be drawn to an area for a reason. Most likely for food so removing any food sources would be a good start.
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What kills magpies?

In some areas in Europe, large numbers of magpies are killed by goshawks. In southern Europe, great spotted cuckoos lay their eggs in magpie nests, and reduce the magpies' breeding success.
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What is the best gun for magpies?

A simple 870 will do fine. Get one with interchangeable choke tubes if possible, otherwise if it's an old fixed-choke barrel probably Modified choke is best. 12 gauge, low-base shells will work for magpies and pigeons, number 7 1/2 or 8 shot will do.
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Can I shoot a wood pigeon in my garden?

Briefly, it is up to the shooter to prove the birds are causing or are likely to cause a problem in the immediate area. It is no longer acceptable to shoot wood pigeons just for sport.
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Can I shoot pigeons on my roof?

In addition, the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 makes it illegal to kill or injure a wild bird, which includes pigeons, unless certain licensing regulations are complied with. However, culling pigeons as a form of pest control is rarely successful.
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Can I own an air rifle without a Licence?

It is an offence to possess, purchase or acquire a firearm without holding a relevant firearm certificate at the time.
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Do I need a Licence to own an air rifle UK?

Air weapons are not licensed in England and Wales, but have restrictions on their sale. Air guns, air rifles and air pistols are exempt from the certification requirement if they are not of a type declared 'specially dangerous' by legislation.
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Can I carry an air rifle in my car in the UK?

When the rifle or pistol is in the car, never keep it loaded, and it is a good idea to keep your ammunition in the glove box. Also, it is recommended that you keep all magazines unloaded. It is perfectly legal to transport your rifle in your car, but it must be stowed either in the boot or in a case.
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Can I shoot a magpie?

You can't shoot magpies on public health-safety grounds any more either. You can now only shoot rooks and jackdaws to protect crops, but the law now says that you have to prove you're growing crops. You can only shoot pigeons while crops are actually growing, not before you sow.
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Can I shoot crows in my garden UK?

You can shoot carrion crows and magpies all over the UK, hooded crows only in Scotland and Northern Ireland, Jackdaws in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland but not England, jays England Scotland and Wales but not Northern Ireland, rooks England, Scotland and Northern Ireland but not Wales, and Indian house crows only ...
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Are you allowed to shoot birds in your garden?

Shooting Birds

Although birds such as pigeons and magpies are often considered to be fair game due to their reputation as pests, it is not necessarily acceptable to shoot them unless you have authorisation to do so.
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Do I need a Licence to shoot magpies?

These general licences are made available on the websites of the relevant government agencies (such as Defra in England). They include licences relevant to all year round control of 'pest birds' such as carrion and hooded crows, magpies and woodpigeon.
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What Colours do magpies hate?

None of the research about magpies to date has found that magpies target specific colours, such as orange, yellow or purple. Instead, it is widely believed that they swoop purely to protect their young. Although they may not be enraged by certain colours, magpies that swoop tend to target specific types of people.
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How do I get rid of annoying magpies?

Cover and get rid of food sources

Try to cover your gutters if your magpie problem is really bad as this will stop them coming back. Move your pet food indoors, as magpies will eat cat and dog food, but they're more likely to do so during the summer when food is scarce.
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