Can my Neighbour cut my tree without asking?

If you own the tree or hedge Your neighbour can cut any branches that are overhanging into their garden as long as they only remove the bits on their side of the boundary. If they want you to cut your tree or hedge just because they don't like the way it looks, it's up to you whether you do the work.
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Can someone cut my tree without permission?

If one owner fells the whole tree without permission from the other owner, that would make them liable (as this amounts to trespass). Consent should also be sought from the other owner before work is undertaken on the tree.
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Is there a height limit for Neighbours trees?

Once you have tried to reach an amicable agreement, you can access a complaint form if: Your neighbour has at least two semi-evergreen trees or shrubs that are over two metres tall. The height of your neighbour's trees and shrubs is negatively affecting your enjoyment of your garden or home.
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Can you complain about Neighbour's trees blocking sunlight?

You should try first to agree what to do with your neighbour but if that doesn't work you might be able to apply for a High Hedge Notice from the council. The Notice requires the neighbour to cut the tree or hedge back. The council can't make orders about tree or hedge roots, only the foliage.
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Is cutting Neighbours hedge criminal damage?

“The Criminal Damage Act 1971 provides that unless you have a lawful excuse, intentionally or recklessly causing damage to 'any property belonging to another' amounts to a criminal offence. That includes a hedge,” states BLB Solicitors.
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Can you trim your neighbor's tree if it's in your yard?

What can I do if my neighbor cuts down my tree UK?

Your neighbour has cut down a tree without your permission:

During this meeting, you can highlight to your neighbour that the tree was on your land, and present a couple of costing estimates for them to agree to for replanting a new tree or hedge.
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What is the 7 year boundary rule?

The rule stipulates that if a boundary, such as a fence, has been in a particular position for a continuous 7-year period and has not been contested during that time, it is generally considered the legal boundary of the properties involved.
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Can I force my Neighbour to cut his tree?

Your neighbour can cut any branches that are overhanging into their garden as long as they only remove the bits on their side of the boundary. If they want you to cut your tree or hedge just because they don't like the way it looks, it's up to you whether you do the work.
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What rights do I have with Neighbours trees?

If the branches of a neighbour's tree start to grow over to your side, you can cut them back to the boundary point between you and your neighbour's property, as long as the tree is not under a tree preservation order. If it is, you'll need to seek further clarification.
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What to do if Neighbours trees are too tall?

  1. Overview.
  2. Talk to your neighbour.
  3. Contact your neighbour's landlord.
  4. Use a mediation service.
  5. Complain about noise to the council.
  6. High hedges, trees and boundaries.
  7. Call the police.
  8. Take action through the courts.
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What can I do if my Neighbours tree is blocking my light?

You should try to reach a compromise. If your neighbour owns the home you should speak to them directly but if they rent you'll need to speak to both them and their landlord. Try speaking to them first, if you feel safe and comfortable doing that. Make a note of the date and time you spoke and what you both said.
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Can I cut a Neighbours tree hanging over my garden?

Can I cut off overhanging branches? Yes, provided it is done without trespassing onto the other person's property. It is also permissible to climb into the tree to undertake the work, again so long as it does not require going into the neighbour's garden/land.
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Do you have a right to light in your garden?

It's a common misconception that a homeowner can acquire a right of light in their garden. However, the law provides no such right regarding land not built on. You may have express rights to light created by your property deeds. If so, the official copy of your title from the Land Registry will confirm that.
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Can my Neighbour cut my tree without asking UK?

Your neighbour can cut any branches that are overhanging into their garden as long as they only remove the bits on their side of the boundary. If they want you to cut your tree or hedge just because they don't like the way it looks, it's up to you whether you do the work.
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Is it a criminal Offence to cut a Neighbours tree?

You do have the right to cut the branches or roots back to the boundary and you do not need the consent of the tree owner before doing so, although it is usually advisable to try and obtain consent to avoid any potential dispute. This right is subject to some limitations.
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Is cutting down a Neighbours tree a crime?

If one owner fells the whole tree without permission from the other owner, that would make them liable (as this amounts to trespass). Consent should also be sought from the other owner before work is undertaken on the tree.
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Can I sue my neighbor for tree damage UK?

Where tree roots cause damage to a neighbouring property, the owner of the tree can be liable, under the law of nuisance, for such damage. Claims for damage resulting from tree roots are brought in nuisance rather than trespass, even though the tree roots will be encroaching on the neighbouring land.
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Can a Neighbour block your light?

Loss of light or overshadowing

If your neighbour is undertaking any type of building work, they must consider whether the development will affect your right to light. In the first instance, we would always recommend talking the issue over with your neighbour in case it can be resolved amicably.
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What trees can be cut down without permission UK?

The Forestry Commission – the government body responsible for UK trees – states that any growing tree(s) on your property can be felled without a felling license if the total wood cut from those trees is under 5m³.
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How close can a tree be to your house UK?

There is no set minimum distance for planting trees near houses or other buildings. However, you need to be aware that tree roots can spread up to three times the height of the tree. Trees are the responsibility of the land owner, who might also be liable for any damage they cause.
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Can I sue my Neighbour for damaging my property UK?

If you don't have insurance or the insurance company decides that the damage isn't covered by the policy, you can ask your neighbour to pay for the repairs. ask your neighbour to pay for the repairs. If they refuse to pay you can take them to court for damages due to negligence.
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What to do if Neighbour has encroached on your property?

You can apply to the Land Registry to get the exact boundary determined, but if your neighbour disagrees with you this can be an expensive process - and there's no guarantee it will come out the way you want either. Normally, land can only change ownership by a complicated legal transaction.
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Can a Neighbour screw into my fence?

When you attach something to a fence without the owner's permission, you could technically be considered trespassing or even committing criminal damage. Furthermore, it's worth considering that your neighbour may have plans for their fence that could be disrupted by your attachment.
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Which side of the fence do I own in my back garden?

There's a common belief that the fence to the left, as you look at your garden, is your responsibility. However, this won't always be the case. The fences themselves may also give you a clue. If the 'good side' faces into your garden, it's usually yours.
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