Can you take cuttings from public trees UK?

Yes. You have the same rights (and liabilities) as for cutting off branches. And prior consent from the local authority is required if the tree has a TPO or is within a Conservation Area.
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Is it illegal to take plant cuttings UK?

In Britain, it is illegal to "uproot any wild plant without permission from the landowner or occupier”. Harvesting other parts such as leaves, flowers or seed is allowed. However, this does not apply to land designated a SSSI or National Nature Reserve, where it is illegal to pick any part of a plant.
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Can you take cuttings from trees UK?

Hardwood cuttings are taken from mid-autumn until late winter from vigorous healthy shoots of the current year's growth - this will be woody but pliable. Use for deciduous climbers, shrubs, trees (including fruit) and some evergreens such as hollies.
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Can you take cuttings of wild plants UK?

Taking a cutting from the wild allows you to bring nature into your home without uprooting or harming any plants. “It should be borne in mind the owner's permission is required to take cuttings from someone else's garden, a public park or garden.”
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Is it legal to take plants from parks?

All wild plants are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981). It is illegal to dig up or remove a plant (including algae, lichens and fungi) from the land on which it is growing without permission from the landowner or occupier.
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You're (Probably) Killing Your Fruit Trees

Is it illegal to forage in the UK?

The Theft Act makes it illegal to collect any wild plant or fungi for commercial purposes without the landowners' permission. It is not an offence to collect for personal use, if you are technically trespassing all the landowner can do is ask you to leave by the quickest and safest route.
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What plants are illegal to pick in the UK?

Banned plants:
  • Japanese knotweed.
  • Giant hogweed.
  • Himalayan balsam.
  • Three cornered garlic.
  • Rhododendron ponticum.
  • New Zealand Pigmyweed (aquatic)
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When can you take cuttings UK?

The best time to take softwood cuttings is from mid-spring to early summer. Hardwood cuttings are taken later in the year, from mid-autumn to mid-winter.
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Can you take cuttings from public gardens?

Most of them would consider it theft and may also consider it to be vandalism, if they catch you at it. And, as others have said, if too many people do things like that, they could end up ruining the garden for the rest of us, who come to look and enjoy rather than steal free plant material.
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Can you take cuttings from the woods?

This can be done by taking what is called a hardwood cutting. A hardwood cutting is a piece of plant material taken from the terminal end of a tree or shrub. The terminal end is a piece of material that has a bud at the end of it. Hardwood cutting are taken from plants and shrubs that have a barky texture to them.
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Can I take cuttings from a tree?

You can try taking cuttings from any tree. Just cut a stem about as thick as a pencil, measuring about a foot (30 cms) long. Make sure you cut above a bud at the top and below a bud at the bottom – use a slanting cut for the top end to help the water runoff.
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Where can cuttings be taken from?

Cuttings can be made from any part of the plant. Most frequently, however, either a stem or leaf is used. A stem cutting includes a piece of stem plus any attached leaves or buds. Thus, the stem cutting only needs to form new roots to be a complete, independent plant.
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How do you take cuttings UK?

Take summer cuttings by snipping the top few centimetres of new growth from plants. Remove the bottom few leaves of each cutting and push into a pot of moist but gritty compost. (You can use rooting powder to encourage root growth, but it's usually not necessary.) Water well and allow to drain.
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What plants Cannot be propagated?

Some plants like papaya, marigold, chilli, capsicum, tomato, etc., cannot be propagated by asexual method. It is the only means of creating genetic diversity of plants. New varieties and cultivars of ornamental and vegetable crops can be developed only by this method.
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How do you take root cuttings UK?

For root cuttings of woody plants carefully dig down to expose part of the root system. Take roots up to finger thickness. Remove any fibrous roots and cut into 5-15cm (2-6in) sections. Then treat in the same way as root cuttings of herbaceous plants.
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What time of day should I take cuttings?

Early morning is the best time to take cuttings, because the plant is fully turgid. It is important to keep the cuttings cool and moist until they are stuck.
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Can plant cuttings be mailed?

The cutting needs to stay moist for the shipment. If you are shipping a rooted cutting, it is better to use sphagnum moss to cover the cutting rather than a paper towel. The sphagnum moss will help keep the roots covered so they don't become dry.
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Can I plant cuttings straight into soil?

Bloomscape says to fill a pot with fresh soil, making sure it's at least 3/4 full. Then take a cutting of a plant (which must include a node, as that's were the roots grow from), poke your finger a few inches into the soil, and place the cutting in the hole.
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How long do cuttings take to root?

Several cuttings may be placed together in one container. Be sure to add fresh water as needed until the cuttings are fully rooted. Rooting will generally occur in 3-4 weeks but some plants will take longer. When the roots are 1-2 inches long or longer the cutting is ready to be potted up.
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What is the easiest tree to propagate from cuttings?

One of the easiest genera to propagate via hardwood cuttings is willow (Salix spp.
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Can you take cuttings from Acers UK?

It is possible to propagate Acer by softwood cuttings or by seed.
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How long can you keep bare root plants before planting UK?

You can delay planting for up to two or three weeks if you are able to keep the roots from drying out. However, in cases where the delayed period is longer than a week, you should consider applying additional damp paper to bare-root tree roots to provide sufficient enough moisture for longer storage.
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Can I pick flowers on public land UK?

According to the Theft Act of 1968 it is illegal to…

Pick cultivated flowers in public parks or gardens as well as plants and flowers growing on land which is maintained by the council (for example roundabouts and grass verges).
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Is it illegal to pick bluebells UK?

They're considered so important that they're a protected species in the UK. It's against the law to intentionally pick, uproot or destroy bluebells. Bluebells have soft, succulent leaves that are particularly sensitive to being trodden on.
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Is it illegal to collect wildflower seeds UK?

Collecting wildflower seed

Uprooting a plant is harmful and illegal without the consent of the landowner or occupier. Gathering seed carefully and in moderation does little damage and is simple to do. There is a code of conduct which will keep you right and plants are protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.
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