Can you wiggle your toes if your foot is broken?

This is a common myth that has circulated. Some people think that, if your ankle is broken, you will not be able to wiggle your toes. While this can sometimes be true, oftentimes, you may have a fractured ankle but can still wiggle your toes.
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Can you wiggle your toes with a fracture?

“It's a common myth that if you can move your toe, it isn't broken, but that is not always the case. You might be able to wiggle a broken toe or even walk on it, but movement can actually make it worse.”
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How do you tell if foot is broken or sprained?

Is it a break?
  1. Pain located directly on top of the bone – where there is no soft tissue.
  2. Pain becomes worse when you apply pressure or move the injured limb.
  3. Severe swelling, or bruising over the top of the bone, numbness or tingling.
  4. A "cracking" (not "popping") sound at the time of the injury.
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Can you move your toes if they are broke?

If you have a broken toe: A broken toe is a fractured bone. This type of injury results in either a very limited range of motion or even the inability to move the toe at all. In addition, the toe will swell and bruise. It'll hurt to walk and the pain and swelling will persist for days without any signs of improvement.
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How do you test for a broken foot?

To diagnose a foot and ankle fracture, you should be seen by an orthopaedic specialist to assess the severity of the injury and determine a plan for treatment. Imaging tests will likely be ordered, which may include: Musculoskeletal ultrasound. MRI.
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Can you walk on a broken foot? | Dr. Nick Campitelli

How do I know if my foot is slightly fractured?

Other signs that you fractured your foot and ankle include swelling, bruising, tenderness, a deformity (the foot or ankle may look like it's out of place) or numbness. If you find it difficult to move your foot or ankle without experiencing severe pain this is also indicative of a broken bone.
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Can my foot be broken and still walk on it?

You may still be able to walk, or you may find it too painful to bear weight on that leg. Fractures of the feet and ankles can be complex and could potentially affect your mobility for years – possibly for life. It's important that you address a suspected fracture as soon as possible.
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How do I know if my foot injury is serious?

Seek immediate medical attention if you:

Have severe pain or swelling, especially after an injury. Have an open wound or a wound that is oozing pus. Have signs of infection, such as redness, warmth and tenderness in the affected area or you have a fever over 100 F (37.8 C). Are unable to walk or put weight on the foot.
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Can you move toes with broken metatarsal?

A severe fracture will limit motion due to swelling and pain, but a non-displaced single fracture of most bones of the foot and ankle will allow full motion of the extremity, and this is certainly the case in stress fractures.
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What does a broken foot look like on the outside?

If there is no visible displacement of the bone or a clear wound, a person may not be able to tell if a bone has broken. Also, some minor cracks or breaks may not result in much pain. Deformity of a toe or an area of the foot, such as an unusual bulge, strongly indicates a break.
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How do I know if my foot is broken or just bruised UK?

there may be swelling, bruising or tenderness around the injured area. you may feel pain when you put weight on the injury, touch it, press it, or move it. the injured part may look deformed – in severe breaks, the broken bone may be poking through the skin.
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What does a fractured foot look like?

Other signs that you fractured your foot and ankle include swelling, bruising, tenderness, a deformity (the foot or ankle may look like it's out of place) or numbness. If you find it difficult to move your foot or ankle without experiencing severe pain this is also indicative of a broken bone.
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How do you tell if a bone is broken or just bruised?

The main difference is that a fracture results in a break in the bone, while a bone bruise creates tiny cracks in the bone. Healthcare providers can tell the difference by using X-rays and MRIs. In most cases, bone bruises and fractures will heal within a month or two with conservative treatment.
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How do you test if your toe is broken?

Symptoms of a Broken Toe
  1. Inability to bend the toe.
  2. Tingling or numbness.
  3. Inability to walk or put any weight on the affected foot.
  4. Swelling.
  5. Throbbing pain.
  6. Bruising on the skin and under the toenail.
  7. Inability to touch the toe without pain.
  8. A crooked appearance or marked difference from the same toe on the opposite foot.
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Can you wiggle your toes with a sprained foot?

As you can see, the symptoms for a sprained ankle are like those of a broken ankle, but don't include the inability to move the toes or deformities.
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Does a broken foot need a cast?

To heal, a broken bone must be immobilized so that its ends can knit back together. In most cases, this requires a cast. Minor foot fractures may only need a removable brace, boot or shoe with a stiff sole. A fractured toe is usually taped to a neighboring toe, with a piece of gauze between them.
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How hard is it to break your metatarsal?

Metatarsal bones usually break from a crush injury, from a falling heavy object, a twisting injury, or getting your foot caught in something while the body continues to move. Occasionally the bone can break from a stress injury due to overuse, such as suddenly increasing running distance while training for a marathon.
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Can you break your metatarsal without knowing?

Metatarsal stress fractures can begin as very small injuries which do not cause severe pain. However, if you carry on stressing the bone, the crack will often deepen and widen, becoming gradually more painful.
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What does a first metatarsal fracture feel like?

In the beginning the pain only occurs with activity. Swelling is often severe, especially if the patient has not elevated the foot. Over the fracture site there is usually point tenderness. Applying an axial load to the head of a fractured metatarsal usually triggers pain at the fracture site.
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When should I go to A&E with a foot injury?

When to seek help
  • there's been new, significant trauma within the last 7 days, for example a fall from height or direct blow to the foot.
  • your foot is misshapen following a new injury.
  • you have a significant open wound.
  • you can't put any weight at all through your foot.
  • if your foot is icy cold and pale, or blue.
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What does a hairline fracture in your foot feel like?

Symptoms to look out for that may indicate a hairline fracture include: pain that worsens when you engage in physical activity. being unable to put too much weight on the injured area without pain. swelling, bruising and tenderness.
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Should I go A&E with a sore foot?

Immediate action required: Go to an urgent treatment centre or A&E if: you have severe pain in the top of your foot. you're not able to walk. your foot has changed shape or is at an odd angle.
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What happens if you ignore a broken foot?

Without proper treatment, you run the risk of your bones not healing correctly or in proper alignment. Not only does this cause persistent pain, but it can impact your ability to walk indefinitely. Even if you have a tiny stress fracture, these types of breaks can worsen with time, leading to severe pain.
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Does a broken foot hurt all the time?

A broken bone in the foot can also trigger immediate or throbbing pain, and it often worsens with activity but recedes when you rest.
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Is my foot broken if it's not bruised?

Pain from a broken foot is often significant enough that putting pressure on your injured limb dissuades you from walking. With stress fractures, however, the pain may be intermittent at first and worsen with time. Bruising and swelling can occur with a broken foot, though they're not always present.
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