Could the Germans have won ww1?

The German army had fought its way into a good defensive position inside France and had permanently incapacitated 230,000 more French and British troops than it had lost itself. Despite this, communications problems and questionable command decisions cost Germany the chance of obtaining an early victory.
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Could Germany have won WW1 without America?

Without the backing of American weaponry, munitions and loans, the Allies would have been forced to abandon their goal of the knockout blow. The war might have ended in 1915 or 1916 with a negotiated peace based on the mutual admission that the conflict had become a stalemate.
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Was it ever possible for Germany to win the war?

Victory for the Allies was never guaranteed, and historians agree there were countless ways Germany could have won the war. Defeat never came down to one battle or one campaign. Germany's defeat came about from a number of much larger factors.
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Could Germany have defeated France in WW1?

Unable to conquer France outright, Germany became mired in a war on multiple fronts. The Schlieffen Plan, according to which Germany would have quickly attacked and defeated France before Russia could mobilize and attack Germany, had failed.
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Would WW2 happen if Germany won WW1?

Very likely. If Germany won the war, then the issues resolved after World War 1, would still be intact and somehow that issues would be needed to be resolved. But possibly the sides of the war would be way different, and also Germany or Austria-Hungary Empire would not be starting that war.
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How Germany could have won World War I

What would Britain be like if Germany won WW1?

Meanwhile, defeated Britain would have seen its navy sunk in the Heligoland Bight, have been forced to cede its oil interests in the Middle East and the Gulf to Germany, and have been unable to contain Indian nationalism. In practice, the British empire would have been unsustainable.
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Why would it be bad if Germany won WW1?

If Germany had won on the Western Front, it would have acquired some French territory and maybe Belgium. The Germans probably wouldn't have been able to enjoy their victory for long. Britain would have retained its independence, protected by its navy that might have continued the hunger blockade against Germany.
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How do Germans feel about WW1?

Germans aren't sure how, or even if, they should commemorate a war that cost them 13 percent of their territory, all their colonies, huge reparations and 2.5 million lives. The government is under fire for its inactivity.
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What would have happened if Germany won?

Winning WW2 would require the conquest of Soviet Union and a peace treaty with UK and United States. Then Hitler would go on to fulfill his dreams of wiping out Jews, stripping Slavs of their dignity and making Germany the greatest power ever. Propaganda and brainwashing would continue in Germany.
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Could Germany have kept fighting WW1?

What if Germany fought on in WWI? If Germany continued to fight they'd still have lost. The Army was losing ground every day after the end of the German Spring offensive, despite having the troops from the Eastern front as reinforcements.
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Which war was Germany closer to winning?

The German Army came closer to winning the First World War and losing it… largely through no fault of their own.
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How close was Germany to invading Britain?

The German goal was to gain air superiority over Britain, destroy the Royal Air Force (RAF) and clear the way for a full-scale invasion. However, despite the heavy losses the RAF suffered, they managed to maintain control of British airspace, and the German plan to invade Britain was postponed indefinitely.
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What if Britain joined the Axis?

Assuming that the UK and it's colonies had turned fascist before the outbreak of WW2, the war would be over in a couple years, with an Axis victory. With the UK not joining the war on the Allied side with France, Poland and France would be quickly steamrolled by the Axis.
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Would Britain have lost ww1 without America?

Answer and Explanation: Yes, it is probably true that without American assistance the Allies would have lost World War I. After the United States entered World War I on April 6, 1917, a large number of US troops appeared on the Western Front in order to aid the British and French.
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What if Britain had not entered ww1?

We can never know for certain what would have happened if Britain had stayed out of the First World War, but we can guess. If Germany's war plans against France had succeeded – and, without the British Expeditionary Force, they might well have – Paris would have been surrounded again.
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Could World War 1 been avoided?

Thus, one could argue that much of the war could have been avoided if Russia and Germany had simply kept out of the matter. On the other hand, real tensions existed among many of the principal nations prior to the war, and these conflicting ambitions contributed to the war's escalation.
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Why Germany could not defeat Britain?

The English Channel prevented Germany from easily invading Britain. The British Air Force and the British Navy made crossing the channel in force just about impossible. Hitler tried to defeat both in the Battle of Britain, but he failed. So the Germans never attempted to cross the channel in force.
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What are 3 reasons Germany could not defeat England?

  • Britain had the English Channel between themselves and the Germans so their battle was in the air only. They did not have to simultaneously defend against a ground invasion although the threat was there.
  • Britain had the first Ground Control Intercept air defense in the world.
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What if Germany never invaded Belgium in WW1?

Germany might have won WW1 if it did not invade through Belgium. Avoiding Belgium would have allowed Britain to stay out of the First World War. If the United Kingdom stayed out of WW1, then the USA would certainly have stayed neutral. Germany would have matched the naval power of France and Russia.
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Does Germany still owe money from ww2?

In 1952, the London Agreement on German External Debts assessed the final reparation figure at $3 billion. Germany has yet to pay off its debts for World War II. At this point, it's difficult to determine how much money they still owe after years of inflation and interest.
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Is Germany still paying reparations for ww2?

Germany has paid compensation and restitution for decades

The Claims Conference has been pursuing reparations from the German government since 1951, when it was founded by a coalition of Jewish organizations, and has secured more than $90 billion in payments.
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Why Germany is so strong in ww1?

TThe main reason the German Reich was so strong in 1914 was that it had spent a lot of money on the military. It also paid off that the whole of society was very interested in the military. The Germans liked uniforms as much as they liked “military language”.
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Why was Germany blamed so much for ww1?

Germany is blamed for it, because they nugged their Ally, Austria to attack Serbia. They are also blamed because they caused the most damage in the war. The German empire appears to have taken the brunt of the blame by virtue of being the only non-allied power that was left.
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How close was Germany to winning ww1?

Yet Germany nearly captured Paris in 1914, crushed Serbia and Romania, bled the French Army until it mutinied, drove Russia out of the war, and then came oh-so-close to victory on the Western Front in 1918.
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What if Germany took Moscow?

They would have been in a really good position. If they DID capture Moscow before winter, that would have crippled Soviet morale. However, Russia wouldn't surrender, they would move the capital to Kazan or Archangel and keep the fight going.
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