Do I own the street outside my house?

A Where a public highway is concerned, the law makes a clear legal distinction between ownership of the surface of the street and ownership of the soil beneath. Under section 263 of the Highways Act 1980, the surface belongs to the highway authority.
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Who owns the road outside my house?

In common law the owner of a property will generally own up to the mid-point of the road that his property faces onto. That being the case, where a road requires work to be carried out each of the frontagers facing onto the road, on each side thereof, are responsible for their share of the expense.
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Is the pavement outside my house my property?

Unless you live on a private road, the pavement outside your house is part of a public highway, so you don't have an exclusive right to park there. If you're disabled, you should apply to the council to have a dedicated parking bay painted on the road outside your home, rather than parking on the pavement.
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Can I buy a parking spot outside my house?

First, check with your local council for any restrictions or regulations on parking spaces, such as size, location, or permits. Ensure that the space you're interested in is actually available for purchase, as availability and demand vary by area. In highly congested cities, parking spaces may be scarce and expensive.
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Can you stop people parking outside your house?

A homeowner has no special legal right to park directly outside their property. All road users have the same right to park anywhere on the public highway as long as they do not contravene parking restrictions.
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Ask 2: Is parking in front of others' houses legal?

What to do if people park outside your house?

If you know the vehicle owner, our first advice would be to ask them politely to move it. After all, they may not be aware they're causing a problem. However, do not take the law into your own hands by intervening, such as making physical threats or attempting to move the vehicle yourself.
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How do I deal with Neighbours parking?

To resolve this the only thing that one can recommend is that you have a friendly word with your neighbour and explain to them that you prefer to park in front of your own home. Often simple courtesy and communicating your thoughts with your neighbour will resolve the problem.
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Can I turn my front garden into a driveway?

In most cases, you do not require planning permission to convert your front garden into a driveway as long as you are using permeable or porous material which allows the rainwater to soak through into the soil below. Sometimes you will require planning permission.
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How many cars can I park outside my house?

There is no restriction on the number of vehicles per household & providing these vehicles are legally parked on a public road & not blocking anyone's entrance there is nothing anyone can do about it, roadside parking is on a first-come first-served basis. The stretch of road outside your house doesn't belong to you.
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Can I park in front of my own driveway UK?

Key Takeaways. It is legal to park on a dropped kerb in front of your own driveway as long as it does not block the entrance. Parking on a pavement is illegal in most parts of the UK, including London, but it is possible to park on the opposite side of a pavement as long as you do not break any parking rules.
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Who owns the verge outside my property?

Regardless of who owns the soil, the public may have a right of passage over it, ie it may be part of the highway. Consequently, if a public right of passage over such a verge is claimed, it is no answer for the adjoining owner to say 'the land belongs to me' since even if it does, it may still be part of the highway.
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Who is responsible for the pavement outside my house?

Local authorities are responsible for the upkeep and safety of pavements, and are expected to deal with maintenance issues within a reasonable time frame, which in this instance they had failed to do.
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Is it legal to park on the pavement outside someones house?

Under the Greater London Council (General Powers) Act, motorists cannot park on urban roads with their car's wheels on pavements, grass verges or any land between carriageways. Any areas where it is permitted to do so will be clearly sign posted or feature white road markings to designate the areas.
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How do I find out who owns my street?

Ownership of a private road, lane or alleyway is carried out using either our standard map search or else the advanced map search, whichever you find the most convenient. Private roads are not adopted by the local authority and therefore maintenance and upkeep is the responsibility of the owner.
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How close to the road do I own?

If you want to find where your property ends and where public land begins, you can visit your city or county's auditor website. They often have maps or satellite images delineating exactly where they consider your property line to be. It should also tell you if you have a setback or public usage easements.
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Who owns the public road?

Highways are areas of land over which the public at large has rights of way. Highways may be maintained by local highway authorities at public expense. However, where land is highway, it is not necessarily owned by the relevant highway authority.
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Can I damage a car parked on my property?

Police have advised in the past β€œDon't damage or clamp the vehicle or have it removed by a third party for destruction or storage without first seeking legal advice. β€œ. The only legal way to resolve this issue would be to obtain an eviction notice from the courts however this might cost you a hefty amount of money.
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Can I block someone in if they park on my drive?

As long as you don't cause an obstruction to the road or damage the offending car, there's no reason you can't get a little bit of revenge (if not justice) by positioning your own car or other property to block them in – because there's no way you can be done for trespassing on your own property.
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Is it illegal to park in front of a driveway?

This means the police may get involved, and may help you move the vehicle on. So the bad news is that there's not a lot you can do if a car parks across your driveway. You have the same rights as all road users, which unfortunately means you have no legal right to park in front of your property.
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Do I need permission to concrete my front garden?

Planning permission is also required if you are installing an impermeable material. This is a material that doesn't naturally absorb rainfall. These materials include concrete, asphalt, and clay. You may also need permission if your paved area is likely to affect access for any surrounding properties.
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Do I need permission to tarmac my front garden?

Patio Driveway Planning Permission

Under the new regulations, homeowners wishing to pave a front garden with a hardstanding of more than five square metres will require planning permission if they will not be using a permeable material.
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Can I park in my front garden without a dropped KERB?

It is illegal to drive over a pavement without a dropped kerb. Only the council can build dropped kerbs. We build them at the request of residents or businesses, if certain criteria are met. Vehicles must not park in a way that blocks the flat section of a dropped kerb: see Dropped Kerb Enforcement.
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Can my Neighbour stop me parking outside their house?

No Automatic Right to Park Outside Your Home

Basically, it's an unwritten 'rule' that people will generally tend to park outside their own home but it's important to note that no one has an automatic right to do so.
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What is classed as nuisance parking?

Nuisance parking is considered the act of parking on private land or property without having consent to do so.
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Can I use my Neighbours dropped kerb to access my property?

If you are unable to have a dropped kerb installed for whatever reason but your neighbour has one for their property only, generally you will not be able to use their dropped kerb to access your front garden. This is because you will at some point need to drive across a footpath, which goes against public highway laws.
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