Do you pay tax when transferring a pension?

Transferring your pension pot anywhere else - or taking it as an unauthorised lump sum - will be an “unauthorised payment” and you'll have to pay tax on the transfer.
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What happens when you transfer a pension?

A pension transfer from a defined benefit (final salary or career average) pension scheme usually means giving up your income for life in return for a cash value. This cash is then moved and invested in another pension scheme.
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Is there a charge for transferring my pension?

Transferring a pension does not usually cost anything. While some providers still charge an exit fee, this is not very common.
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Is it worth transferring a final salary pension?

Perhaps the biggest risk of a final salary pension transfer is that you lose out on a guaranteed income for life. Your retirement benefits may be lower than they would have been in the scheme due to poor investment returns, while securing an income might be more expensive than you thought.
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Is it worth transferring a small pension?

There's no guarantee that transferring or combining your pensions will give a higher income or bigger pension pot when you retire. Your pension is invested so its value can go down as well as up and you could get back less than you put in to your plan. It can be hard to keep track of lots of different pensions.
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Do you have to pay income tax on retirement pension?

Can I take 25% of my pension tax-free every year?

You can take your whole pension pot as cash straight away if you want to, no matter what size it is. You can also take smaller sums as cash whenever you need to. 25% of your total pension pot will be tax-free. You'll pay tax on the rest as if it were income.
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How much does a pension transfer cost UK?

Sometimes, pension transfer charges are a percentage fee of the amount you move across. For example, you could be charged 2% of the pension transfer value. So, if your pension fund is worth £20,000, a 2% fee would mean you would need to pay £400.
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Why are final salary pension transfer values falling?

XPS Pensions Group explained that the fall in transfer values was primarily due to a steady increase in gilt yields in May, as well as a slight decline in long-term inflation expectations.
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Can you take a tax free lump sum from a final salary pension?

Final salary scheme

A pension lump sum might be paid as well as your pension, or you might have to give up some income to take a lump sum – the lump sum is normally paid tax free to you.
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Are final salary pensions paid for life?

A defined benefit or DB pension (also known as a final salary pension) is a special type of workplace pension. Instead of building up a pension pot over time, it provides you with a guaranteed annual income for life, based on your final or average salary (hence the name).
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Should I transfer my pension from previous employer?

There may be benefits to transferring a pension. It's easier to manage one fund, the new scheme may seem to offer better returns and there are worries about companies being declared insolvent and the implications for the pension fund. However there are also many potential risks in a transfer.
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Why would you transfer a pension?

Reasons you might want to transfer a pension include moving to a new job, combining different funds into one or perhaps because you're moving abroad. If you have a workplace pension scheme, your contributions will continue to be invested, even after you leave a job and stop contributing.
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How long should a pension transfer take?

This type of transfer usually takes 6-8 weeks, but can take longer depending on your investments and provider. You stay invested during the transfer, so could make gains and losses. Usually you cannot trade until the transfer completes.
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Why is my pension transfer value so low?

Other factors that can have an impact on pension transfer values, both positively and negatively, include: Rates of interest, Inflation rates, Stock market activity, bond yields, the age of the member in relation to the scheme's retirement age, and the scheme's funding position.
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What is the difference between a pension switch and a pension transfer?

A pension switch is where a transaction is not within the definition of pension transfer, but involves moving pension benefits from one scheme to another scheme of the same type.
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How is a pension transfer value calculated?

When a scheme calculates a CETV, they also account for other factors, including: the death benefits linked to your pension. the retirement age of the scheme, including early and late retirement factors. the commutation factors of the scheme, affecting the lump sum conversion options at-retirement.
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How do I avoid tax on my pension lump sum?

If you take out smaller lump sums, 25% of each will be tax-free, while the remaining 75% of each smaller lump sum will be taxed. Most defined benefit pensions offer the option of taking a tax-free lump sum as well as a guaranteed (taxable) income.
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How many times can you take 25% tax free?

If you take this option, 25% is tax-free. You can usually get: up to 3 small pot lump sums from different personal pensions. unlimited small pot lump sums from different workplace pensions.
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Is it better to take lump sum or monthly pension?

In most cases, the lump-sum option is clearly the way to go. The main difference between a lump-sum and a monthly payment is that with a lump-sum option, you get to have control over how your money is invested and what happens to it once you're gone. If that's the case, then the lump-sum option is your best bet.
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Why should I keep my final salary pension?

The value of your fund could fall, leaving you with less to live on. A final salary pension doesn't have this risk. With final salary pensions, pay outs rise with the cost of living, so you have some protection from inflation.
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How much have final salary pension transfer values fall?

Defined benefit transfer values have fallen significantly over the past year as government bond yields were driven higher due to investor concerns over UK debt, according to XPS Pensions.
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Can I sell my final salary pension?

Final Salary Pension Transfers

You could request a cash equivalent transfer value (CETV) from your final salary pension provider. This is the cash lump sum your pension provider is willing to offer you in exchange for you transferring out of your final salary pension scheme.
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How much do financial advisors charge for pension transfers?

Your adviser's fees will be based on many things: what advice you need, how much time it will take, and the size of the assets involved. Advisers often charge between 1% and 2% of the asset in question (e.g. a pension pot), with lower percentages being charged for larger assets.
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What is the best company to transfer my pension to?

The best pension provider to transfer to is PensionBee – it's easy to use, has low fees, and a great track record of growing money over time. They'll take care of your pension transfer too, you don't need to do a thing. Moneyfarm is also great, and they provide expert advice too.
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Will pension transfer values increase in 2023?

Defined benefit (DB) transfer values continued to fall in Q2 2023 despite a slight rebound in June, with DB transfer activity also falling to a record low over the past month, analysis from XPS Pensions Group has found.
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