How do you brutally declutter?

How to be ruthless when decluttering clothes: 8 Key tips
  1. Get in the right headspace to start ruthless decluttering. ...
  2. Set a deadline. ...
  3. Make ruthless decluttering fun. ...
  4. Motivate yourself with a reward. ...
  5. Lay out all your clothes. ...
  6. Create a sell, keep, donate, and discard. ...
  7. Ask yourself questions as you start ruthless decluttering.
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How to be ruthless with decluttering?

Be ruthless by picking out just a few items to keep that are your most favorite, and consider parting with the rest. Give yourself grace as you go through sentimental items. You won't be able to do it all at once, and it may take several sessions to decide which difficult items to keep or let go.
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How do you severely declutter?

10 Creative Decluttering Tips
  1. Start with 5 minutes at a time. ...
  2. Give one item away each day. ...
  3. Fill an entire trash bag. ...
  4. Donate clothes you never wear. ...
  5. Create a decluttering checklist. ...
  6. Take the 12-12-12 challenge. ...
  7. View your home as a first-time visitor. ...
  8. Take before and after photos of a small area.
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What is extreme decluttering?

Extreme decluttering is when people get rid of huge amounts of things in the decluttering process. This isn't when people end up with a bag or two of things. When people extreme declutter they are getting rid of a high volume of things. These people went for it and have very dramatic before and afters.
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How do you declutter when you have too much stuff?

How to Get Rid of Stuff: 9 Tricks for Making the Task Easier
  1. Get inspired. ...
  2. Use a decluttering calendar. ...
  3. Examine your motivation. ...
  4. Follow the 80/20 rule. ...
  5. Make a list of acceptable “must-keep” things. ...
  6. Come up with a concrete way to use the items. ...
  7. Move it out before you toss it out. ...
  8. Start out in a simple spot.
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Decluttering my CHAOTIC life in 2022 (brutal closet cleanout, 2am edition)

What causes compulsive decluttering?

Always feeling the need to declutter can be linked to stress and anxiety, where having lots of things in your space increases your anxious feelings. To try and relieve your feelings of stress, you can develop the urge to constantly declutter your space. Decluttering can temporarily relieve anxiety.
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What is the 20 20 20 rule for decluttering?

When struggling to make decluttering decisions, the 20/20 rule says you should consider letting go of an item if: You can replace it for less than $20. And you can replace it in less than 20 minutes.
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How do you ruthlessly purge your house?

7 Ruthless Decluttering Truths You Only Learn When You Move
  1. Don't Keep Clothes You Don't Wear.
  2. Stop Storing Appliances You Don't Use.
  3. Corral That Mess of Cords.
  4. Check Your Towels.
  5. Take Note of Your Tchotchkes.
  6. Stop Stashing Duplicates.
  7. Peruse That Paper Pile.
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What is hoarding vs ADHD clutter?

A key difference between ADHD and hoarding disorder is the reason why people have so many possessions. A person with symptoms of ADHD may be untidy or live in a cluttered home because they are unable to organise their things whereas a hoarder will have a specific reason why they can't let go of something they own.
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How do you declutter if you are a hoarder?

  1. Know your hoarding tendencies.
  2. Start small: 5 minutes at a time.
  3. Donate the clothes you don't wear anymore.
  4. Focus on one room at a time: the bathroom is a good place to start.
  5. Ask for help: declutter living rooms with your family or your friends.
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What should I remove first when decluttering?

Simple Ways to Declutter Your Spaces
  1. Start by removing trash.
  2. Begin by choosing one small area to organize — like a drawer.
  3. Sort items into three piles: Keep, donate and toss.
  4. Find a specific home for everything you intend to keep — for example, a hook for your keys.
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How do you declutter without regret?

7 regret-free ways to declutter your things
  1. 1.) Start small when you declutter things.
  2. 2.) Take pictures of your things.
  3. 3.) Try a 30-day experiment.
  4. 4.) Donate books.
  5. 5.) Try Swedish Death Cleaning.
  6. 6.) Consider usefulness and sentimentality.
  7. 7.) Practice gratitude.
  8. Resources.
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How do you purge years of stuff?

How to Purge Your House: 11 Tips When Decluttering is Hard
  1. How to purge your house, even when decluttering feels hard.
  2. Ask yourself when you last used it.
  3. Track how often you use things.
  4. Check the condition of items.
  5. Let go of “sunk costs”
  6. Ask yourself why you want to keep each item.
  7. Don't get stuck.
  8. Use a maybe box.
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How do I let my stuff go?

15 ways to leave your clutter
  1. Move it. I moved everything (and I mean everything) out of my kitchen into the spare bedroom and would bring stuff back only as I needed it. ...
  2. Shoot it. ...
  3. Host a “Bring your clutter to work” day. ...
  4. Be inspired. ...
  5. Be generous. ...
  6. Don't let it in. ...
  7. Kick it to the curb. ...
  8. One in, more out.
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Is compulsive decluttering a mental illness?

Obsessive Compulsive Spartanism, also known as Obsessive Decluttering, is usually seen as a form of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Unlike hoarding, obsessive decluttering does not have its own entry in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM).
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What mental illness is linked to hoarding?

obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
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Why can't I get rid of old things?

Keeping items “just in case”

This is a big reason many people struggle to declutter. You have things you don't use or love but keep “just in case” you need it sometime in the future. Or worry if you get rid of the item, you'll need it down the road and regret getting rid of it.
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What mental illness is similar to hoarding?

Mental health conditions most often associated with hoarding disorder include: Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD). Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
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How do I become ruthless when packing?

I. The 3 Rules of Packing Light
  1. Carry less stuff. I strive to ruthlessly eliminate items that are not essential to my enjoyment on the road. ...
  2. Reduce weight, not usefulness. I refuse to carry things that are not useful. ...
  3. Optimize for comfort and design.
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How do you start decluttering when overwhelmed?

Break your large space into smaller bite-size challenges.

After removing the easy and large items, you will begin the process of working methodically through your space. Use natural physical boundaries to break your project into smaller pieces: one shelf, one drawer, one side of the room, or even one box at a time.
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What is the 12 12 12 challenge?

The 12-12-12 decluttering challenge is a simple and effective way to get started with decluttering. The challenge involves getting rid of 12 items you no longer need, finding 12 items you can donate, and putting 12 items in a proper place.
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What is reverse decluttering?

It's a dead end. If you've experienced a similar situation, I have help. It's called reverse decluttering. (And, yes, I just made that term up.) Instead of looking around your space to identify what to get rid of, you focus on giving each item a permanent home.
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What should you not declutter?

Here are six things you might not want to throw away when decluttering your house.
  • PHYSICAL PHOTOS. Our memories are more often immortalized on social media than in leather-bound albums. ...
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What is the one touch rule for clutter?

Touching it once, rather than at least twice, saves you time and energy. This rule is “so simple, yet so life changing”. Simply by dealing with an item immediately, whether it is your shoes, incoming mail, or your used coffee mug, less clutter will be created. One touch, one movement, equals less effort overall.
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What is clutter a symptom of?

New studies suggest a strong link between clutter and feeling anxious, depressed, unfocused and socially isolated.
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