A crore is a unit of measurement commonly used in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan to represent 10 million. To put this number in perspective, one crore is equivalent to 100 lakhs or 1,00,00,000. It's derived from the Sanskrit word “koti,” which means ten million.
A crore (/krɔːr/; abbreviated cr) denotes ten million (10,000,000 or 107 in scientific notation) and is equal to 100 lakh in the Indian numbering system. It is written as 1,00,00,000 with the local 2,2,3 style of digit group separators (one lakh is equal to one hundred thousand, and is written as 1,00,000).
One crore is equal to 10 million. In the Indian numbering system, a crore represents a value of 10,000,000. It is a unit of measurement used in India and neighbouring countries. The conversion between crores and millions is based on the fact that one crore is ten times larger than a million.
Million: A million is a unit in international place value system. In numbers, its written as 1,000,000. One million in international place value system is equal to ten lakhs in Indian place-value system.
In the international system, the numeric number of 10 million is 1 crore, 1 crore = 10 million. We have already mentioned above that there are 7 zeros in a crore; what remains is to tell you is that how many 10, 100, 1000, etc. are in one crore: Tens in one crore = 1,000,000.
Similarly,10 million (as per the international digit system) or the one crore have 7 zeros (0) in it's numerical value. To write the 1 crore 50 lakhs in numerical form we just have to replace the first zero with a five, because 50 lakhs is the exact half value of 1 crore. So the numerical value will be; 15000000.
As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the weight of a 2,000-rupee note is approximately 1 gram. Therefore, the weight of one crore (10 million) 2,000-rupee notes would be approximately 10,000,000 grams or 10,000 kilograms (10 metric tons).
1 crore is equivalent to ten million or 10,000,000. It is written as 1 followed by seven zeros: 10,000,000. Each zero represents a place value, multiplying the digit by ten.
8000000 in words is written as Eighty Lakh in the Indian Numeral System and Eight Million in the International Numeral system. The article on Numeral System can give you an idea about the difference between both systems.
A billion is a numerical value that represents one thousand million, or one million million (1,000,000,000). Like Million, Billion has its abbreviation which is globally accepted. The Billion can be recognized with the abbreviation of “B”. Billion is used to describe the most larger quantity.
If you're looking to go from million to billion, you'll need to multiply by 1,000. In other words, there are 1,000 millions in a billion. There are six zeroes in a million (or two groups of three zeroes). There are nine zeroes in a billion (or three groups of three zeroes).