How many no's does it take to get a yes?

According to research, customers often say 'no' four times before finally saying yes—so understanding and using the 'Rule of Four' is key for any sales professional who wants to boost their bottom line.
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How many NOs do you hear before a yes?

“9 Nos to YES” is about the numbers. It's about increasing your odds of success. It's about having the confidence to march proudly through the NOs, knowing that if you keep going, you will get to “yes”.
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How many NOs does it take to get a yes in sales?

60% of customers say no four times before saying yes, whereas 48% of salespeople never even make a single follow-up attempt 80% of sales require five follow-up calls.
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Can you turn a no into a yes?

Ultimately, turning a “no” into a yes comes down to understanding the prospect's real objection, and reacting in a professional and positive way. Getting to a “no” should not be the end of the road. Whenever you hear it, try to find out why the prospect feels that way, so you can look for a solution.
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How do you get a yes after a no?

Key points
  1. Only repetition, not reason, can conquer the fear of “no.”
  2. The law of reciprocity states when someone gives something, the natural tendency is to give something back.
  3. In negotiations, it's best to go for the big ask first—people will say yes more often than one might think.
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How Do I Count Yes And No In Excel

What to do when a girl doesn t say yes or no?

She is undecided and wants to take her sweet time before committing ! She aspires for someone better but wants to retain You as a stepney ! She wants to gauge the intensity of Your feelings and commitment towards her (if You don't express Your deep desire and passion and leave midway as a loser before winning her Yes …
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What to do after she says no?

If your crush says “no,” don't ask her to reconsider by saying things like "Are you sure?" Instead, accept the decision she made. By doing so, you'll maintain her respect and earn some closure for yourself. If she says no, say something like, "Ok, thanks for telling me" or "Cool, I hope we can still be friends."
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Is it bad to say no after saying yes?

There's no reason to treat every commitment as equal in weight and force. Moreover, there's a long distance between being frivolous with your word and treating every yes as though it's on the stone tablets. In short, saying no to something you're already doing does not make you a bad person.
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How can I say yes without saying yes?

Synonyms of yes
  1. okay.
  2. yeah.
  3. OK.
  4. alright.
  5. yep.
  6. ay.
  7. aye.
  8. positively.
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Why do we say yes no?

Yes and no, or similar word pairs, are expressions of the affirmative and the negative, respectively, in several languages, including English. Some languages make a distinction between answers to affirmative versus negative questions and may have three-form or four-form systems.
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What are the five no's in sales?

According to Zig Ziglar, every sale has 5 basic obstacles: No NEED, no MONEY, no HURRY, no DESIRE, no TRUST. You may have encountered many, if not all, of these objections at any stage of your enterprise, whether you are a start-up or seasoned business owner.
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What is the 10 to 1 rule in sales?

Some people think that 10-3-1 means that ten calls lead to three appointments and one sale. The likely father of the formula was the late Al Granum. 10-3-1 is a strict formula. It means, starting with 10 qualified prospects (People you know have a need, appreciate it and can buy) can lead to 3 booked appointments.
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How much faster does nos make you?

If you're searching for a way to make your vehicle fast for short bursts you may want to consider charging up your ride with a NOS kit. Adding a professional kit to your vehicle can increase your vehicle's performance by 100 horsepower or more, and it's something that can be added at a reasonable cost.
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What is a big word for yes?

affirmative amen fine good okay true yea. Weak matches. all right aye beyond a doubt by all means certainly definitely even so exactly gladly good enough granted indubitably just so most assuredly naturally of course positively precisely sure thing surely undoubtedly unquestionably very well willingly without fail yep.
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How do you say yes in British?

  1. Simple: Yep, Yeah, Yup, Yep, Aye, Yea, Yas,
  2. Agreement: You bet, Totes, Yowsa, Alrighty, For sure, Abso-bloody-lutly, Big time, Def, Deffo, True dat, Hell yeah, Hell yes, You said it, Damn right,
  3. Acquiescence: OK, K, Aye-aye, Okie dokie, Okie doke, Uh huh, Righty ho (then), Got it, You got it.
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What is the old word for yes?

The English word 'yes' is thought to come from the Old English word 'gēse', meaning 'may it be so', and can be traced back to earlier than the 12th century.
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Is no a rude answer?

To start: Saying “no” is not, by any means, rude.

Of course, it should go without saying that there is a proper way to say this so as not to cause any misunderstandings. Think of this post as a guide for that—skill training in how to say no. Here are some tips on how to decline people in the workplace diplomatically.
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Is no a rude response?

When someone tells you no, does it hurt your feelings or make you feel rejected? Maybe, but honestly, in most cases, hearing no is a normal and acceptable part of communication, yet so many of us are terrified of saying it because we don't want to hurt someone else or make them mad at us.
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Is it rude to say just no?

No's a negative word that has negative connotations, so generally people don't like hearing the word 'no', because it's usually met with a negative or critical response. It's a response to a question or a gesture or opposition to something or a directive or command.
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Should I give up if a girl says no?

Relationships are built on mutual attraction. Trying to force someone into an attraction that doesn't exist may not work, and it can also be unhealthy. If someone has rejected you or told you they're uninterested, move forward and accept their "no." Don't take their "no" as a "maybe."
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When not to reply to a girl?

When Should You Stop Texting A Girl? If she asks you to stop texting her, definitely stop. Don't text her again if she explicitly asks you to stop. Additionally, if you reach out several times and she never replies, it's safe to say that you shouldn't keep texting her, particularly if this is a girl you just met.
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What if a girl says no to coffee?

You could gently ask if that's a 'permanent no' or an 'I can't this week no'. Either way, respect her answer and don't try and 'convince' or pressurise her. Otherwise you'll be pestering her. And no-one likes that.
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What are signs a girl likes you?

15 Signs a Girl Likes You
  • Her friends and family know about you. ...
  • She reschedules a date she can't make. ...
  • She makes an effort to continue the conversation. ...
  • She compliments you and tries to make you feel good. ...
  • She's clearly nervous around you. ...
  • Her body language is inviting. ...
  • She remembers things you tell her.
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Do girls like being asked out?

Depends a lot on the girl and the guy involved. A single girl (who's pretty cool and doesn't care about the society) who has never been asked out before. Mostly she accepts the invitation and feels thrilled! (some Girls do keep a note of how many guys have asked them out so far!)
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How do you know she's not into you?

8 Signs She Isn't Into You
  • One-Word Answers. ...
  • Indecisiveness. ...
  • Flakiness. ...
  • She stands you up. ...
  • She never texts or reaches out first. ...
  • She isn't honest with you/She tells silly lies. ...
  • She avoids making plans with you. ...
  • She responds and calls only when it's convenient for her.
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