Is 11 too old to believe in Santa UK?

Instead, the average age at which children stop believing in Santa is eight years old, according to an international academic survey. Woah. This varies slightly between countries in the UK, with kids in England believing in Santa until they're 8.03 years, and kids in Scotland believing until 8.58 years.
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Should an 11 year old still believe in Santa?

"There is no such thing as being too old to believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy," Kelman tells Yahoo Life. "Letting kids figure it out on their own is preferable to parents breaking the news to them.
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How do I tell my 11 year old there is no Santa?

The truth is, he's not a person at all – he's an idea. Get them to think of all those presents Santa gave them over the years. Explain that you actually bought those yourself and that Santa Claus is the idea of giving for the sake of giving, without thanks or acknowledgement.
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What's the average age a child stops believing in Santa?

It might be older than you think... We talked to over 1,000 parents and discovered that the average age at which children grow out of the Santa story is 8.5 years. By the age of 9, 62% of children no longer believe and by 10, when they're in the last year of primary school, more than 4 in 5 children know the truth.
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What age should I tell my child Santa isn't real?

While everyone is different, according to a recent poll by House Method, the average age kids in the United States stop believing in Santa Claus is 8.5 years. So, chances are good that somewhere around then is the right age for your child to learn the true story about Santa Claus.
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What age kids stop Santa?

Is it OK for my 12 year old to believe in Santa?

The important thing to remember is the story you've been telling them all these years about Santa has been for their benefit, not yours. If your child isn't ready to hear the truth, don't force it on them, but when they're ready to give up the fantasy, follow their lead and let them.
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What to say if your child asks if Santa is real?

  • “Do you think Santa is real?” Answer the question with another question. ...
  • “Christmas Magic is really about this.” Explain to your child what Christmas magic really is. ...
  • “Let's read a book about it.” ...
  • “Here's how I discovered that Santa was not real.” ...
  • “Christmastime will still be special.”
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Is 10 years old too old for Santa?

The spirit of Santa has no age cap

“We believe Santa is a spirit of happiness and kindness. Santa isn't one person anymore, but a kind, loving feeling that comes from being together and doing kind things for each other," VanderWier writes in her guide on how to talk to kids about Santa.
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Is 10 too old to believe in Santa?

31% of boys believe in the Christmas magic until they are 10 years old or older, but only 27% of girls can say the same.
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Should a 10 year old believe in Santa?

Santa-Sosa says that for typically developing children, the years between age 7 and 11 mark a big change in thinking. Younger children are more imaginative, but not very logical, making it easy to believe in Santa. By age 7, believing starts to become more difficult.
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Is Santa real or is it your parents?

And the first question after that, in the “People also ask” section, is: “Is Santa real or is it your parents?” The top response comes from the motherhood website Her View From Home. “The answer is no. We are not Santa. There is no one, single Santa.
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How do you explain Santa without lying?

Explain that Santa is a symbol

Say something like this, “The Santa that you see in books, movies, and in stores is a person in a costume. People dress up in Santa costumes to remind us… …of someone who lived a long, long time ago called St. Nicholas who secretly gave money to people who needed it.”
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Does my 12 year old know Santa isn't real?

While there is no perfect age to have this conversation, parents often start noticing their children becoming skeptical around eight, but this can vary. However, it may be beneficial to initiate the conversation before middle school. At this point, most of their peers will know the truth about Santa.
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Is Santa real for tweens?

Santa is real in the sense that he was an actual person. Otherwise known as Saint Nicholas, his story goes all the way back to the 3rd century. He was a monk who was born in 280 A.D. in modern-day Turkey. As an only child, he was given great affection by his parents.
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What age did your child stop believing in Tooth Fairy?

While the last baby teeth generally aren't lost until age ten or 11, most children stop believing in the tooth fairy by the time they're seven or eight. Of course, children are more than happy to play along with the game when there's money at stake!
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Is it wrong to let your kids believe in Santa?

Allowing your child to believe, even though they eventually will find out the truth, will not be traumatizing or harmful to their development. While they may have an emotional reaction at first, this is generally short lived.
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Is it unhealthy for kids to believe in Santa?

Research on the benefit of believing in Santa Claus is sparse, but there is research indicating that there are benefits of having a vivid imagination. Believing in impossible beings like Santa Claus or flying reindeer might also exercise children's counterfactual reasoning skills.
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Is Santa over 100 years old?

According to, the monk who over time would evolve into Santa Claus was born in what is now modern-day Turkey in 280 A.D., making him a whopping 1,741 years old!
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Is Santa 80 years old?

By all calculations and endless internet searches, Santa is 1,752 years old this year. Yep, that's right. He isn't 80 or 90 years old. Not even 100 years old.
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Should I tell my 10 year old Santa isn't real?

Telling kids lies–about Santa or anything else–doesn't help build a trusting relationship with them. Kids trust us fully and need us to help them make sense of the world. They rely on us to be truthful. They rely on us for security and safety.
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How old is Santa Claus 2023?

This way Santa in 2023 is around 1,752 years old. Hard to believe, but it makes sense when you remember the origin of Saint Nicholas, a monk from the 4th century.
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What year was Santa Claus born?

Exactly how old is Santa? According to the blog Email Santa, Santa Claus is 1,751 years old as of 2022. In fact, the origins of Santa Claus can be traced all the way back to a monk named Saint Nicholas, who was born between 260 and 280 A.D. in a village called Patara, which is part of modern-day Turkey.
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Is 11 too old to believe in Tooth Fairy?

At some point, your child will get the feeling that the tooth fairy might not be so magical after all. This realization can come at any time, but not every child is ready to give up the fantasy. Many kids are more than happy to stay in the magic a little longer, and we encourage parents to support this.
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What happens when your kid finds out Santa isn't real?

Be there for them as they process this information, and be open to answering any questions they may have. reassure them that even though Santa isn't real, Christmas is still a special time of year. And most importantly, remind them that you love them no matter what! Happy Holidays!
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Is The Tooth Fairy Real?

They point out that there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of the tooth fairy. Additionally, some parents admit to playing the role of the tooth fairy themselves, further fueling doubts about its reality.
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