Is Egypt older than Ethiopia?

Ethiopia is old, even older than Egypt, but its antiquity is somewhat different.
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Is Ethiopia the oldest country in the world?

Ethiopia is Africa's oldest independent country and one of the oldest in the world with over 3000 years of history. In 980 BC, the Kingdom of D'mt extended its realm over Eritrea and the northern region of Ethiopia, while the Kingdom of Aksum maintained a unified civilization in the region for 900 years.
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What came first Egypt or Africa?

General History

Africa's first great civilization emerged in ancient Egypt in c. 3400 BC. Carthage was founded by Phoenicians in the 9th century BC. Ancient civilization, based around the River Nile in Egypt, which emerged 5,000 years ago and reached its peak in the 16th century BC.
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When did Ethiopia rule Egypt?

The so-called Ethiopian dynasty—the 25th—which came from the south to rule Egypt in 716–656 bc, has sometimes been used in an attempt to prove an even closer connection between Egypt and Ethiopia, but these invaders came in fact from Nubia (Cush).
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How old is Egypt's?

Egypt was a vast kingdom of the ancient world. It was unified around 3100 B.C.E. and lasted as a leading economic and cultural influence throughout North Africa and parts of the Levant until it was conquered by the Macedonians in 332 B.C.E.
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Is Egypt older than Ethiopia?

Is Egypt 5000 years ago?

Pharaonic Egypt

The recorded history of Nile Valley civilization begins more than 5,000 years ago, with the Palette of Narmer, a stone tablet that dates from 3100 BC. The tablet states that Narmer, also known as Menes, is the first pharaoh to unite the kingdoms of Upper (Southern) and Lower (Northern) Egypt.
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Is ancient Egypt 7000 years old?

The settlement of the Nile Valley begun at 7,000 BCE, so you could argue Egyptian civilisation is 9,000 years old.
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Were there Ethiopians in ancient Egypt?

Among these civilizations, ancient Egypt holds a significant place, with its culture being deeply intertwined with Ethiopia. Diodorus Siculus, the ancient Greek historian, affirmed that the culture of ancient Egypt was Ethiopian in origin, as Ethiopians were instrumental in its foundation and preservation.
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Is Egypt the oldest civilization in Africa?

In Africa, civilization rose early as people settled in the lush areas that sheltered them from the harsh desert. The first major civilization in Africa was Egypt, centered around the lush Nile River delta. Egyptian civilization truly began around 3150 BC when the ruler Menes unified the entire area into a kingdom.
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How old is Ethiopia as a country?

The Ethiopian Kingdom was founded in the 10th Century (BC). Ethiopia is even documented in the King James Version of the Bible. Archaeologist have found the oldest known human ancestors in Ethiopia, including Ardipithecus Ramidus Kadabba (c. 5.8?
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What skin color were ancient Egyptian?

Ancient Egyptians would have been bewildered by our debates over whether they were black or white. Like modern Egyptians, they had a range of skin colors, hair types, and facial features. They often depicted men as reddish brown and clean shaven and women with pale, yellowish skin.
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Is Egypt older than Greece?

Ancient Greece goes back to Mycenaean culture of the second half of the second millennium BC. However, Egyptian civilization is much earlier than that: in the mid-second millennium BC, it was at its height (the “New Kingdom”), but its origins go right to the third millennium BC, or even earlier.
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Which is older Egypt or China?

Ancient Egypt is significantly older than ancient China. The ancient civilizations in the ancient world (Akkad, Sumer, Egypt, etc) are significantly older than Ancient China. China is considered older because Egypt today is not continuous with ancient Egypt.
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Are Ethiopians tall?

Why are Ethiopians tall and Eskimos short? Well first of all Ethiopians as a group are not tall. The average Ethiopian man is 167.6cm or 5 feet 6 inches. The reason Eskimos are short is because of mainly genetics but also an adaption to the cold and a high fat diet.
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Is Ethiopia older than England?

Ethiopia was originally a kingdom and the Aksumite civilisation held sway over much of East Africa from 100 BC, until they were conquered by the Ethiopians in 525 AD. England is a country that has existed for over 1000 years. When it formed as a nation in 1066 AD, it was the dominant power in Western Europe.
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Which is older Ethiopia or India?

Ethiopia. There is much historical evidence supporting the fact that Ethiopia is one of the oldest nations in the world. Humans existed in Ethiopia millions of years ago thanks to skeletal fragments found in the nation.
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What country is older than Egypt?

Here are the countries World Population Review lists as the oldest in the world by date of earliest known organized government: Iran - 3200 BCE. Egypt - 3100 BCE. Vietnam - 2879 BCE.
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Was Egypt ever in Africa?

Geographically it is on the contient of Africa so yes. In the same way that Mexico is in North America. Culturally modern Egypt is seen as part of the Arab world, along with other North African countries. Like them it is still in Africa, so the answer is still yes.
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What civilization is older than Egyptian?

The oldest recorded civilization in the world is the Mesopotamia civilization. Overall, the 4 oldest civilizations of the world are Mesopotamia Civilization, Egyptian Civilization, Indus Valley Civilization, and Chinese Civilization.
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Are Ethiopians Nubians?

Nubians and Ethiopians are two distinct cultural and ethnic groups with different historical and cultural backgrounds, although they share some similarities due to their geographic proximity and interactions over the centuries.
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Were Egyptians Arab or African?

The ancient and modern Egyptians were African but not black, except for a minority, and were and are not Arabs, though modern Egyptians speak Arabic. A small proportion of Arab ancestry does not make them Arabs.
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Does the Nile originate in Ethiopia?

The White Nile is longer and rises in the Great Lakes region. It begins at Lake Victoria and flows through Uganda and South Sudan. The Blue Nile begins at Lake Tana in Ethiopia and flows into Sudan from the southeast.
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Is Egypt 10,000 years old?

There were certainly humans occupying the Nile called, delta and deserts 10,000 years ago. However, the culture that we think of as ancient Egyptian only started to emerge around 6,000 years ago, and Egypt wad only unified around 3,100 BCE.
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What race were ancient Egyptians?

Robert Morkot wrote in 2005 that "The ancient Egyptians were not 'white' in any European sense, nor were they 'Caucasian'... we can say that the earliest population of ancient Egypt included African people from the upper Nile, African people from the regions of the Sahara and modern Libya, and smaller numbers of people ...
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How did Egypt look 3000 years ago?

In 3,000 B.C.E., Egypt looked similar geographically to the way it looks today. The country was mostly covered by desert. But along the Nile River was a fertile swath that proved — and still proves — a life source for many Egyptians. The Nile is the longest river in the world; it flows northward for nearly 4,200 miles.
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