Is it illegal to drive with car boot open?

It's perfectly legal to drive with your boot open, but much like carrying a mattress above your head, it has to be done safely and within the rules of the law. First and foremost, your load and the boot itself must be secure and not liable to fall from the vehicle or flail around out of control.
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Can you legally drive with your boot open?

Driving with your boot open is not illegal - however there are precautions which have to be taken. If you are driving with your boot open to transport something motorists must take care that nothing is protruding more than 6 inches to the side or three feet to the rear of the outline of the car.
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Can you drive a car with a boot?

At first glance, driving with a boot or cast on your right foot may seem possible, it is discouraged by doctors. It is not safe. Driving while wearing a cast or boot may lead to accidents because you are more prone to being distracted, and your reflexes are slower.
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Is it illegal to travel in the boot of a car UK?

' With no seat belt - let alone a seat - the man could have been seriously hurt if the vehicle was involved in an accident. Having a passenger in the boot is also an offence which can cost you a £60 fine and three points on your licence.
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Is it legal to drive with boot open NSW?

There's no specific law against driving with your boot open in NSW, however a Transport for NSW spokesperson told Drive that all loads must be properly secured – or you may face a nasty fine.
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Can I drive with my boot open UK?

It's perfectly legal to drive with your boot open, but much like carrying a mattress above your head, it has to be done safely and within the rules of the law. First and foremost, your load and the boot itself must be secure and not liable to fall from the vehicle or flail around out of control.
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Can I drive in a walking boot UK?

Be careful if you have diabetes or any problems sensing feeling in the foot. Gradually stop using the boot after 2 to 6 weeks and increase how much you are walking as soon as your pain allows. You should not drive whilst wearing a boot. You may drive an automatic car if you have injured your left foot.
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What is Rule 57 of the Highway Code?

Rule 57. When in a vehicle make sure dogs or other animals are suitably restrained so they cannot distract you while you are driving or injure you, or themselves, if you stop quickly. A seat belt harness, pet carrier, dog cage or dog guard are ways of restraining animals in cars.
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Is it illegal to sit in your car with the engine running in the UK?

Is it illegal to idle your car in the UK? The short answer, is yes: engine idling is against the law. Also known as stationary idling, Section 42 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 prohibits leaving your engine on when it is not needed.
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What is the penalty for driving with someone in the boot?

Boris Johnson introduced measures on the 26th March allowing police to issue a fixed penalty notice of £60 to offenders, although this is lowered to £30 if paid within 14 days.
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Is it OK to drive with a walking boot?

Conclusion: although you should always follow the guidance of your doctor, the normal recommendation in response to this walking boot question is to avoid driving while wearing one if you would have to wear it on your right foot.
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Can I drive with a broken ankle?

First, make sure the cast does not seem to be affecting your ability to brake or apply the gas pedal in a timely manner. Next, make sure your pain levels aren't bad enough to distract you. If you're fine in both those areas? It is likely that you will be safe behind the wheel but, of course, there are no guarantees.
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Is it illegal to carry things on top of your car?

There are also some laws around roof racks: Any items on the roof must not obstruct the driver's vision in any way. Items can protrude no more than 50cm from the sides or rear of the car. Items can protrude no more than 15cm over the front of the car.
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What overhang is legal on a car UK?

Loads overhanging the front or rear of a vehicle

For projections more than 2 metres, but not exceeding 3.05 metres towards the front or back, you'll need to use special Overhanging Load markers and have an attendant for loads projecting forwards.
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Is it illegal to tie something to the roof of your car UK?

As long as it is securely tied with appropriate fastening material, and is not obstructing the view of the driver not posing any hazard to other road users, it is not illegal.
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Why is it illegal to sleep in your car UK?

It only becomes illegal to sleep in your car if you are causing an obstruction, have pulled over in the hard shoulder, on double yellow lines or are under the influence on drugs and/or alcohol. It doesn't matter that you aren't driving, had no intention of driving or just simply sleeping.
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Is revving your engine illegal UK?

One of the signs at the car park reads: "Under Section 59 of the Police Reform Act 2002, you risk being issued with a warning for anti-social driving if you drive aggressively or cause a noise nuisance. This includes revving engines, loud stereos and handbrake turns.
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Is it illegal to sleep in your car overnight in the UK?

It doesn't matter that you're not driving it, that you're asleep, that you have no intention of driving or that you thought you were doing the sensible thing by sleeping it off. Even if you're on private land it's still illegal and if you're found drunk and asleep in your vehicle you could be prosecuted.
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Can a dog travel in the footwell of a car UK?

Can a dog travel in the footwell of your car? You shouldn't put your dog in a car footwell because the dog won't be properly restrained. Make sure your dog is restrained using one of the ways mentioned above.
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What is Rule 69 Highway Code?

Rule 69. You MUST obey all traffic signs and traffic light signals.
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Can you drive with dog in front seat?

Can dogs travel in the front seat of a car? Dogs can travel in the front of the car, however, you must ensure to switch off the passenger-side airbag and move the seat as far back as possible.
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Can I drive an automatic car with a broken left leg UK?

You can start driving when the operated leg is comfortable enough for the usual knock about of day-to-day activities, as this leg is redundant in an automatic. It is always wise to practice in a safe environment such as a private road, before driving properly.
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Can you drive with a broken leg UK?

You must tell DVLA if you'll be unable to drive for more than 3 months because of a broken limb. You can be fined up to £1,000 if you don't tell DVLA about a medical condition that affects your driving. You may be prosecuted if you're involved in an accident as a result.
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Can I drive with my left foot?

There is no law on the books that says you can't drive with both feet. In fact, there are times when it makes more sense to drive with both feet. So, why then do we have this idea that it's so wrong to do so?
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Will my car fail its MOT if I can't open the boot?

No, it's not a reason to fail.
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