Is it legal to sell allotment produce?

Usually proceeds go to the allotment association, so they are not regarded as a form of “business”. So, while there is some room for interpretation, legally allotment gardeners can trade a surplus (off site), and councils or associations can let vacant plots to market gardeners.
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Can I sell produce from my allotment?

The Allotments Act 1922 has a general prohibition on any "trade or business" being conducted on an allotment. But allotments are allowed to have an allotment shop, which councils tend to regard as fund-raising rather than a business.
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What is the law on allotments?

The Allotment Acts gives allotment holders some security of tenure. Their tenancies cannot be terminated unless: at least 12 months' notice to quit has been given to the allotment holder expiring on or before 6 April or on or after 29 September in any year; or.
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Can you sell allotment land?

Section 8 of the Allotments Act 1925 states – “Where a local authority has purchased or appropriated land for use as allotments the local authority shall not sell, appropriate, use or dispose of the land for any purpose other than use for allotments without the consent of the Secretary of State”.
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Can you make money from an allotment?

Sell Organic Produce At The Market

The perfect garden enterprise – the organic market. You can grow fruit and vegetables in your personal allotments and then sell on to hungry buyers. This is a larger project that will require more time, experience and money that others listed here – but the rewards will be worthwhile.
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Is Your Allotment At RISK ?

Is it legal to sell vegetables from your garden?

You're not allowed to run your allotment as a business but you are allowed to sell any surplus you produce. Many pensioners top up their pension by selling vegetables and flowers they've grown, and that are excess to their requirements.
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What should you not do in an allotment?

What Not to Do in Your Allotment
  • let your plot get overgrown and neglected so that weed spores are carried onto their carefully-tended plots;
  • let your dog run – or do worse – on their plots;
  • play heavy metal music very loudly on an otherwise peaceful Sunday afternoon.
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What is the allotment law in the UK?

The Allotments Act 1922 provided allotment holders with some security of tenure by setting out specific periods of notice for ending a tenancy. Landlords could only end an allotment garden tenancy by giving the allotment holder a minimum of six months' notice. This was increased to 12 months by the Allotments Act 1950.
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Can you buy allotment land UK?

Unfortunately most allotments are only available to rent and very few allotments are for sale. Most council owned allotments are often situated in undesirable, polluted areas next to main roads or railway lines.
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Who owns allotment land?

Allotment Land Ownership

The land itself is often owned by local government (parish or town councils) or self managed and owned by the allotment holders through an association. Some allotments are owned by the Church of England.
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Is an allotment classed as agricultural land?

Growing fruit and vegetables on land is classed as agriculture (even on an allotment site1).
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Do allotments need insurance?

Allotment tenants will need to hold appropriate Public Liability insurance cover (usually covered by home contents insurance). Most policies will usually include Public Liability cover (for claims made against you for injury, or accidental damage to property).
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Can I sleep on my allotment?

Tenants may not use their allotment as a place of residence and/or sleep overnight. 5.2 The allotment is rented to the tenant for the purpose of cultivation of herb, flower, fruit and vegetable crops.
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Can you sell vegetables from your garden UK?

You can sell your home grown plants, shrubs you have grown from cuttings and fruit and vegetables at local car boots to make money.
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Can you sell things from your front garden?

Trader's Licences

Many local councils demand that anyone, regardless of how cute they look in pigtails, has a Street Trader's Licence if you're operating on public land. However, if you're operating on private land, then as long as you have the landowner's permission, you do not necessarily need an STL.
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Can you sell your crops?

When it comes to selling your product there are many options such as local business, markets and schools. You can also sell directly to USDA or consider exporting.
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Is it legal to live on an allotment?

The individual gardeners are usually organised in an allotment association, which leases or is granted the land from an owner who may be a public, private or ecclesiastical entity, and who usually stipulates that it be only used for gardening (i.e., growing vegetables, fruits and flowers), but not for permanent ...
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Are allotments public or private?

An allotment is an area of land, leased either from a private or local authority landlord, for the use of growing fruit and vegetables.
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How do I start an allotment business?

How to Start Your Own Allotment from Scratch
  1. Step 1: Find a Good Allotment Plot. The first step of the process is to find a good spot. ...
  2. Step 2: Plan Out Your Allotment Layout. ...
  3. Step 3: Begin Clearing and Cleaning the Allotment. ...
  4. Step 4: Build Your Raised Beds. ...
  5. Step 5: Set Up Your Fruit Cage. ...
  6. Step 6: Plant Your Crops.
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Can I use my allotment as a garden?

Whether you are interested in gardening, growing, cooking or indeed eating, tending an allotment is ideal. You can grow a range of fruits, vegetables and herbs for the kitchen, and even grow ornamental plants for a productive and attractive plot. See if you can designate a piece of your garden to growing crops.
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How many allotments can I have?

How Many Allotments Can You Have? You can have a maximum of six discretionary allotments.
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Are allotments a British thing?

Allotments are very common in the UK cities too but they are not a uniquely British thing. There's a variety of reasons people have allotments. Obviously growing your own fruit and veg is at the top of the list for most people.
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Can I give my allotment to a friend?

It is the tenant's responsibility to make the site manager aware. The council or site manager will not be able to provide refunds. You are responsible for the allotment and may not sublet it or pass the tenancy on to anyone else, and you must notify the site manager in writing if you intend to give up your plot.
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Do you get rats on allotments?

Keep your plot tidy and ensure that allotment gardens do not become overgrown or allow rubbish to build up e.g. timber, old carpet, stockpiled materials etc, as this provides cover for rats to live under (harbourage). disease, Salmonella and Leptospirosis among other things and they urinate wherever they go!
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How many hours a week does an allotment need?

Plan your plot

This might need eight hours' work a week for inexperienced gardeners, but half that for experienced ones.
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