Is it rude not to tip in France?

No, it isn't rude to not tip in France. Tipping is not expected in France and isn't a standard part of the culture here.
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Is it insulting to tip in Paris?

“You should never feel obliged to leave a tip in France,” explains Korus sommelier Vincent Glaymann. “In the States, the tip is an important part of the server's wage. In France, it's a bonus.” But that isn't to say that you should never tip!
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Is it rude to not finish your plate in France?

French table etiquette dictates that you should finish all your food. If you don't, you risk offending your host - who may think that you don't like their cooking! If you're concerned, don't take too much food to begin with, second helpings are usually available.
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Is tipping expected in Paris?

In Paris, the bill in bars and restaurants includes a service charge, so you do not have to leave a tip. However, if you have been satisfied with your meal and the service you are welcome to do so. A tip in general amounts to 5 to 10% of the bill.
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Is it rude not to tip UK?

Tipping is not expected in the UK in the way it is in other countries. All staff in the UK, must by law, be paid at least the National Minimum Wage £6.70 21 + years of age ( lower rate applies to those under 21 years of age). (National Living wage £7.20/hr 25+ years of age. UK Living wage £8.25.
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Should you tip in France?

Tipping in French restaurants and cafés is not required

Technically they're right; service is included—a gratuity is not. Regardless, you are not obligated to leave them anything. For a simple beverage, you can round up to the nearest euro or leave 20 to 50 centimes per drink.
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Is it ever OK not to tip?

Poor service. You're never obligated to tip someone when they've provided you poor service or if you've had a rude interaction with them. In the case of a one-on-one service, such as a haircut, this is pretty cut and dried.
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How do I ask for a bill in France?

L'addition, s'il vous plaît. The bill, please.
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Who should you tip in Paris?

Tipping in Paris is customary for hotel porters. They do expect a little something for their efforts, as do concierges when you feel they have given an additional service. Do so at the end of your stay. Taxi drivers are usually on a rate, but for longer trips, you can suggest to round up the total of the journey.
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Can you drink tap water in France?

Although many French people prefer bottled water, in most places in France, tap water is perfectly okay to drink. Some locales, like Paris, even pride themselves on the quality of their tap water. But there are a few regions or cities where, sadly, the water has been contaminated due to issues like pesticide runoff.
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What is bad etiquette in France?

In France, we refrain from calling after 22:00 hours on the phone (10 pm), except when calling close friends. Spitting in the street is strictly prohibited. Belching in public is very rude. Yawning without covering your mouth, nose or sneezing loudly are also considered very bad behavior.
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What is considered rude in France?

It is rude to sit with one's legs spread apart unless in a relaxed context. Rather, sit straight with your legs crossed at the knee or knees together. Feet should not be placed on tables or chairs. If someone is invited to a restaurant or a business function, it is acceptable to arrive at the specific time.
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Is it rude to eat with your hands in France?

Yes, because good table manners forbid eating with the hands, except for bread or special dishes like sea food but this is not unique to the French. No, because the consumption of sandwiches is widespread in France and is done only with the hands.
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Where in Europe is it rude to tip?

In Greece it's considered bad form to leave a single euro, even for a small total — if service isn't already included in the bill and it's for, say, €10, leave a €2 tip. Iceland is an emphatically no-tipping country.
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Why should you only tip 6 in France?

You're not expected to tip in France. Waiters are paid minimum wage or more. Some people choose to round up to the nearest euro, especially if they're paying in cash, but it's rare for people to go out of their way to tip.
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Where is it rude to tip?

Just as in Japan, it is not customary to tip in China. Tipping in China is generally uncommon and can even be considered rude or embarrassing in some circumstances so when taking a taxi, enjoying a refreshing drink or tucking into a delicious meal there's no requirement to leave any gratuities.
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Can you drink tap water in Paris?

Yes, tap water in Paris is perfectly safe to drink and is readily available wherever you go, even at public water fountains. As long as taps aren't labeled eau non potable—meaning “not for drinking” in French—everything else is potable. In fact, drinking water from the fountains of Paris has been encouraged.
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Do you tip Paris taxis?

Taxi Drivers

For normal rides in Paris, a small tip of €1-2 or just some extra coins is appropriate. If it was a long ride (like from the airport), or you had heavy bags. Not only taxi drivers, but the Uber driver and the delivery person also deserve a small tip for the great service.
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How do I ask for a bill in Paris?

Be aware that servers will almost never bring you the check without your asking for it, as it is considered rude to do so in France. Check, please?: L'addition, s'il vous plaît? (Lah-dee-sy-ohn, seel voo pleh?)
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How do you politely ask for food in French?

Using je voudrais + un/une + noun to order food

To order food, you can simply use the indefinite article un (masculine) or une (feminine) + the item. You would normally add s'il vous plaît ('please'), at the end of the sentence: Une soupe de poisson, s'il vous plaît. One fish soup, please.
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How do you ask for a toilet in Paris?

Bathroom and toilet in French: How to say it

So stick to “S'ìl vous plaît, où sont les toilettes” or the alternatives below, and you'll be just fine. Useful: In restaurants or public places, you might see signs with “toilettes” or “WC”.
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What to do if you forget to tip?

The next time you go you could give the person the tip. If it's close by you could go back and say I just realized I forgot to tip.
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Why is everyone asking for tips now?

Parul Jain, who teaches finance and economics at Rutgers Business School, said tipping got a huge boost during the COVID-19 pandemic. People used to tip on the basis of performance, she said. Now, the near ubiquitous use of touch screens at places where we'd never previously think of tipping applies enormous pressure.
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What is guilt tipping?

'Guilt tipping,' explained

Nearly a quarter of people say they always feel pressured to tip when the option is presented, according to LendingTree's survey. And 42% say they sometimes feel pressured. If this sounds like you, you may be guilt tipping.
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