The Gisburn Auction Mart car boot sale every Sunday Morning at Gisburn. Opens to sellers at 9am, buyers 10am. Clitheroe's biggest car boot sale with 100' of sellers 1000's of buyers makes this one of the best morning car boots.
It runs every Sunday from March to November, with seller entry starting at 06:00 am and buyer entry at 07:00 am. Sellers can enter the event with cars for £12 or £15 if with a trailer, and vans for £16. Buyers can enter for £1 per adult. The event also has facilities such as clean toilets, refreshments, and parking.
There's a car boot sale every Sunday in Hanley on Hinde Street carpark, near the Hilton Hotel. The people on the main carpark (occasional car-booters and regular small traders) are really nice. Over the road on a separate car park are larger traders, who come in large removal vans.
Seaham Sunday Car Boot Sale is a weekly car boot sale located on the Seaham coast in the North East of England. It is considered one of the biggest car boot sales in the country and runs every Bank Holiday Monday and Sunday from March to October.
The Bedale car boot sale has been held on Saturday's from March to October for many years on the town's park attracting visitors from all over North Yorkshire and the North East.
FREE ADMISSION. Corton Playing fields car boot sales are held on TUESDAY mornings - April through to the end of October - weather permitting - 7am until midday. £6 per car, £7 per car with trailer & £8 per large van.
Corbridge Car Boot Fair is one of the best Car Boot Fairs in the North East, running every Wednesday, from March to September, with a huge number of sellers. Sellers can enter the site from 09:00 am, set up their tables, and start selling at 10:00 am sharp. However, exit before 13:30 pm as a seller is not permitted.
There are no bookings, just turn up, payment on entrance when a steward will direct you. Bring something like a pasting table, clothes rail or plastic ground sheet to sell your items from.
Bric-a-brac, clothes, books and toys are all car boot sale staples. However, it can be surprising what sells well, so even if you think an item is not worth anything, it may be worth bringing it along. You should avoid spending all of your profits on buying more items from other sellers.
Go with the mindset of: I'm offering hard cash for this right away, and you may not get a better offer all day. Haggle hard! When you arrive, take a power walk away from the stalls by the entrance to the end of the car boot and work backwards. That way you'll avoid most of the other locusts hunting for early bargains.
Chesterfield car boot sale is held every Sunday morning from 7am to noon, at Technique Stadium. The car boot opens from 7am to 1pm. It is £10 per pitch and public admission is free.
Driving with your boot open is not illegal - however there are precautions which have to be taken. If you are driving with your boot open to transport something motorists must take care that nothing is protruding more than 6 inches to the side or three feet to the rear of the outline of the car.
It's perfectly legal to drive with your boot open, but much like carrying a mattress above your head, it has to be done safely and within the rules of the law. First and foremost, your load and the boot itself must be secure and not liable to fall from the vehicle or flail around out of control.