Is repression good or bad?

Generally speaking, repression cannot be good. You are holding back your emotions or an incident that you have seen that was traumatic or you have gone through abuse, etc. you are basically hiding those feelings inside. This kind of repression can become an anxiety problem or even worse, a mental disorder.
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Is repression healthy or unhealthy?

However, research shows that repression can seriously impact your psychological and physical health in the long term. Repressed emotions may resurface unexpectedly, contributing to mood disorders, anxiety, and physical health issues.
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Can repression be a good thing?

It is also associated with better well-being. 5 However, repression can also be used to avoid confronting difficult experiences and feelings, and this can have meaningful consequences.
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Why is repressing bad?

People who repress their emotions tend to focus on their physical health and seek physical health solutions for emotional health problems (Abbass, 2005). Just like a physical wound may fester and become infected if left untreated, the accumulation of unaddressed emotions can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression.
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What are the disadvantages of repression?

This can apply to emotional traumas and traumas caused by external events and are healthy. The disadvantage of repression is that we are denying reality and this can give rise to behavioural problems and or symptoms such as phobia.
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Jordan Peterson: Repression & other defense mechanisms

What does repression do to a person?

As well as a lack of insight and understanding, the inability to process and come to terms with repressed material could lead to psychological problems such as poor concentration, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, nightmares, and depression.
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What are the advantages of repression?

Advantages of Repression

Some research studies have actually shown that repression, as a coping mechanism helps to deal with pain. It also helps to avoid confrontation of extremely difficult feelings. Repression also helps to maintain a balance between impulsive desires and conscious decisions.
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Is it unhealthy to repress emotions?

Studies have shown that suppressing emotions actually endangers your health and well-being, both physically and psychologically. Emotional suppression (having a stiff upper lip or “sucking it up”) might decrease outward expressions of emotion but not the inner emotional experience.
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What happens if you suppress your emotions for too long?

Emotional stress, like that from blocked emotions, has not only been linked to mental ills, but also to physical problems like heart disease, intestinal problems, headaches, insomnia and autoimmune disorders.
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Is repression common in trauma?

Traumatic experiences (especially in childhood) are the most common cause of repressed memories, and can also lead to other kinds of dissociative episodes. Survivors of childhood trauma often repress memories as a defense mechanism, but failing to confront these can lead to negative repercussions.
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Is it healthy to repress memories?

Repression can have a significantly negative impact on the healthy adjustment of the individual, which can result in psychophysiological illnesses or even neurotic disorders.
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What did Freud say about repression?

Freud did not classify repression as a defense mechanism; he argued that it occurs before the ego develops. Freud found that the people he worked with in therapy were more likely to recall things under hypnosis than consciously recall things without hypnosis. This led to his development of the concept of repression.
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What is a good example of repression?

Some of the examples of the repression defense mechanism include: A child, who faced abuse by a parent, later has no memory of the events but has trouble forming relationships. A woman who experienced painful labor but continues to have children (and each time the level of pain is surprising).
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Is repression a trauma response?

Freud developed the idea of repression during his work with psychoanalysis. Freud believed that repression was a defense mechanism in the face of traumatic experiences.
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Why am I so repressed?

A person might repress emotions when they seem too painful to manage, when they have inadequate support to deal with them, or when those emotions are socially unacceptable. In this regard, repression may initially protect a person, especially in childhood.
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Is ignoring your emotions bad for your health?

But if you're having a tough time, stifling your negative thoughts doesn't make them go away. Instead, bottling up emotions can be unhealthy for your mind and body. A series of studies over the past few decades show that suppressing your emotions can – and does – affect your body and your mind.
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Is it OK to suppress my feelings?

However, it's important to recognize that suppressing emotions is not a healthy coping mechanism. In fact, it can have negative consequences for both mental and physical well-being.
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What are the dangers of compartmentalizing emotions?

Emotional suppression: When you over-rely on compartmentalization, this can lead to suppressing your emotions, which can have long-term adverse effects on your mental health. Unresolved feelings may resurface as anxiety, depression, or other mental health disorders.
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Is it bad to suppress crying?

But over time, repressing your tears can lead to cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension — or even cancer. Yikes. So if you need to bawl and are able to take a minute, it's in your best interest to go ahead and cry before going back to your regularly scheduled programming, says Dr. Van Groningen.
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What is the difference between repressing and suppressing?

'Repression' is when someone denies that something exists and tries to hide it, whereas, 'suppression' is when someone acknowledges the presence of something unfavorable and consciously decides to not get involved. Look below: Repression is an unhealthy defense mechanism that many adults subconsciously do.
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Is repression a choice?

Suppression refers to the conscious and sometimes rational decision to put an uncomfortable (although not totally unacceptable) stimulus to the side, either to deal with it at a later time or to abandon it altogether.
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What is the difference between dissociation and repression?

Dissociation is where a memory record or set of autobiographical memory records cannot be retrieved; repression is where there is retrieval of a record but, because of the current task specification, the contents of the record, though entering into current processing, are not allowed into consciousness.
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How can you tell if someone is emotionally repressed?

General signs you are emotionally repressed

feel uncomfortable around highly emotional people. secretly think anger and sadness are 'bad' rarely if ever cry or yell.
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