Should I tell my 10 year old Santa isn't real?

If your child is much older, like 10 or 11, they probably already know by this point that Santa isn't real. But if you're not sure and you want to open up a discussion with them, you can ask by leading with an open-ended question.
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How do I tell my 10 year old that Santa isn't real?

How to Tell Your Kids the Truth About Santa
  1. Be Honest. Explain that you noticed your child asking about Santa and want to be honest with them. ...
  2. Validate Their Feelings. ...
  3. Allow Them to Process Their Grief. ...
  4. Encourage Them to Cope With Their Feelings. ...
  5. Focus on Holiday Traditions.
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Should a 10 year old believe in Santa?

Santa-Sosa says that for typically developing children, the years between age 7 and 11 mark a big change in thinking. Younger children are more imaginative, but not very logical, making it easy to believe in Santa. By age 7, believing starts to become more difficult.
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Is it bad to tell your kids Santa isn't real?

There isn't a right or wrong age to tell kids the truth

And it occurs to them that flying reindeer and a guy coming down the chimney might be a little far fetched. So don't be surprised if your child starts asking questions.
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Is 11 too old to believe in Santa UK?

Woah. This varies slightly between countries in the UK, with kids in England believing in Santa until they're 8.03 years, and kids in Scotland believing until 8.58 years.
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How Should We Talk To Our Kids About Santa? | Joshua Straub

Is 10 years old too old for Santa?

The spirit of Santa has no age cap

“We believe Santa is a spirit of happiness and kindness. Santa isn't one person anymore, but a kind, loving feeling that comes from being together and doing kind things for each other," VanderWier writes in her guide on how to talk to kids about Santa.
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Is it bad for an 11 year old to believe in Santa?

We don't want to lie to our kids to convince them to continue to believe in Santa when they're showing signs of critical thinking. This can be harmful. If your child is much older, like 10 or 11, they probably already know by this point that Santa isn't real.
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How do you tell your 11 year old there is no Santa?

The truth is, he's not a person at all – he's an idea. Get them to think of all those presents Santa gave them over the years. Explain that you actually bought those yourself and that Santa Claus is the idea of giving for the sake of giving, without thanks or acknowledgement.
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Should I tell my 12 year old there is no Santa?

The important thing to remember is the story you've been telling them all these years about Santa has been for their benefit, not yours. If your child isn't ready to hear the truth, don't force it on them, but when they're ready to give up the fantasy, follow their lead and let them.
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Is Santa real yes or no?

According to historical records, Santa is real. Santa is real in the sense that he was an actual person. Otherwise known as Saint Nicholas, his story goes all the way back to the 3rd century. He was a monk who was born in 280 A.D. in modern-day Turkey.
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How do I get my 10 year old to believe in Santa?

Anytime you see a Santa when you're out with your kids wherever it may be or if you're talking to your children or partner about something Christmas related, act just as shocked and joyful as them. Not only will they think you're in on all the excitement too, they'll think that you believe in Santa too.
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Is Santa real or is it your parents?

And the first question after that, in the “People also ask” section, is: “Is Santa real or is it your parents?” The top response comes from the motherhood website Her View From Home. “The answer is no. We are not Santa. There is no one, single Santa.
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At what age should kids stop believing in Santa?

The average age that children stop believing in Santa is eight. There's a huge amount of variation though — some kids will report it around four or five, some are closer to 12 or 13. So the average is eight, but each child's journey is different.
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Should I tell my 9 year old there is no Santa?

An 8- or 9-year-old may really be asking if it's still OK for them to pretend that there is a Santa so they don't miss out on anything. At this age, you'll want to use your judgment as to their true intent behind the questions. Some kids are ready for the truth at this age; others are not.
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What to say when your kid asks if Santa is real?

  1. “Do you think Santa is real?” Answer the question with another question. ...
  2. “Christmas Magic is really about this.” Explain to your child what Christmas magic really is. ...
  3. “Let's read a book about it.” ...
  4. “Here's how I discovered that Santa was not real.” ...
  5. “Christmastime will still be special.”
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When should I tell my daughter that Santa isn't real?

After all, you don't want to broach the topic prematurely and lose their Christmas magic. You also don't want to withhold information if they're seeking the truth. It's really up to your discretion. “It's typical for most children to start questioning if Santa is real between the ages of 7 and 10,” says Ray W.
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When should I tell my child the Tooth Fairy isn't real?

Consider a child's age

It can be difficult to determine an appropriate age to tell kids the truth about the tooth fairy. Children typically start to question whether the tooth fairy is real between the ages of 4 and 7. If a child is younger than 4, it might be wise to conceal the truth for a little while longer.
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Should I let my child believe in Santa?

Allowing your child to believe, even though they eventually will find out the truth, will not be traumatizing or harmful to their development. While they may have an emotional reaction at first, this is generally short lived.
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What age did your child stop believing in Tooth Fairy?

While the last baby teeth generally aren't lost until age ten or 11, most children stop believing in the tooth fairy by the time they're seven or eight. Of course, children are more than happy to play along with the game when there's money at stake!
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Is Santa 80 years old?

By all calculations and endless internet searches, Santa is 1,752 years old this year. Yep, that's right. He isn't 80 or 90 years old. Not even 100 years old.
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Do most 9 year olds believe in Santa?

In 2019, House Method surveyed more than 4,500 families across the United States, and found the overall average age for no longer believing in Santa Claus is 8.4 years old. (But it varies by state: Kids in Mississippi generally believe until they're 10, while kids in Oregon stop believing at 7.)
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Is Santa still alive 2023?

Whereas the History website states his birth around A.D. 280 in Patara, near Myra in modern-day Turkey. This way Santa in 2023 is around 1,752 years old. Hard to believe, but it makes sense when you remember the origin of Saint Nicholas, a monk from the 4th century.
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What to do if kids don t believe in Santa?

What to do when kids ask “Is Santa real?”
  1. Ask why they're asking. ...
  2. Ask what it would mean to them if he were real or not. ...
  3. Let the child lead. ...
  4. Talk about the spirit of Santa. ...
  5. Advise them to be kind to other believers. ...
  6. Lie to prevent tears. ...
  7. Lie again to avoid feeling like a liar. ...
  8. Give kids too much information.
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What to do when your kids don t believe in Santa anymore?

Remind them how much they loved the Santa story when they were young, and encourage them not to take that away from the younger ones by spilling the beans. Try to make your Santa-wise kids a part of that magic for their siblings. Maybe even let older kids help "play" Santa after the little ones are in bed.
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How do you explain Santa isn't real?

Explain that Santa is a symbol

Say something like this, “The Santa that you see in books, movies, and in stores is a person in a costume. People dress up in Santa costumes to remind us… …of someone who lived a long, long time ago called St. Nicholas who secretly gave money to people who needed it.”
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