What are stalls used for?

a booth or stand in which merchandise is displayed for sale, or in which some business is carried on (sometimes used in combination): a butcher's stall; a bookstall. carrel (def. 1). one of a number of fixed enclosed seats in the choir or chancel of a church for the use of the clergy.
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What is the point of stall?

Description. A stall occurs when the angle of attack of an aerofoil exceeds the value which creates maximum lift as a consequence of airflow across it. This angle varies very little in response to the cross section of the (clean) aerofoil and is typically around 15°.
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What does stall do?

A stall is the slowing or stopping of a process and in the case of an engine refers to a sudden stopping of the engine turning, usually brought about accidentally. It is commonly applied to the phenomenon whereby an engine abruptly ceases operating and stops turning.
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Why do horses go in stalls?

Many horse owners prefer to stall their horses to protect them from inclement weather or prevent the horse's hair coat from bleaching out. Stalled horses are able to eat without other horses interfering, which is especially important for young, timid or geriatric horses.
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Why are horses kept in stalls?

Reasons to Favor Horse Stalls

Stalls keep horses insulated from the elements because the doors can be closed off, keeping off the wind, rain, and cold. Some horses don't like being kept indoors, even when the weather is rough outside, but having a stall to keep them warm can sometimes be in their best interest.
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Stall Speed explained in Curt's Corner

Is it cruel to keep horses in stalls?

Very simply, the box stalls that may seem cozy and comfortable to us are all wrong for our beloved horses—too small and too solitary for herd animals who need to be on the move. Of course, we've long known that horses mentally and physically benefit from continual pasture turnout with a congenial herd.
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Is it cruel to keep a horse stabled?

Inside and stabled

A horse can become ill or show abnormal behaviour if confined to a stable for long periods. Stabled horses are more likely to be exposed to germs, toxic dust and fumes.
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Do horses mourn their dead?

“Some studies suggest that [after the death of a herdmate], horses show signs of anxiety, cessation of feeding and social withdrawal,” Mendonça says. “Therefore, it is important to consider horses' needs when they are facing a situation of loss before asking them to complete or perform their daily tasks.”
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Do horses need to be in stalls?

Less Protection From Weather

For instance, if you have a serious storm coming up, a horse stall will provide better protection for your horse from the wind, rain, and the snow. As long as your horses will able to roam free again, they will appreciate the protection a barn has to offer.
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Do horses mind being in stalls?

Some horses get very aggressive or defensive when they're in stalls. They think it's their stall. You're going to tell your horse, “No, it's my stall. I just happen to let you live here for free.” A lot of horses think that because it's their stall, it's their protected area, and they can keep you out of it.
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What are the two types of stall?

There are 3 main types of stalls that pilots train for; Power-Off, Power-On and Accelerated. Learning how to recognize, prevent and recover from each type of stall is an important part of learning to fly.
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What is a stall in a farm?

Definitions of stalls. a farm building for housing horses or other livestock. synonyms: horse barn, stable.
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Where does a stall usually begin?

Stall Progression

The stall begins at the wing root and works its way out to the wingtips. Most GA airplanes are designed this way to give you at least some aileron control to keep your wings level when you are approaching a stall.
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How do you recognize a stall?

Generic indicators of an aerodynamic stall can include:
  1. Activation of artificial stall warnings.
  2. Aircraft buffet.
  3. Reduced flight control authority, especially reduced or loss of roll control.
  4. Significant aft control column displacement.
  5. High rate of descent.
  6. A nose down pitching tendency at the point the stall occurs.
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What is the first indication of a stall?

Indications of an impending stall can include buffeting, stick shaker, or aural warning. an uncommanded nose down pitch cannot be readily arrested, and may be accompanied by an uncommanded rolling motion. For airplanes equipped with stick pushers, their activation is also an indicator of a full stall.
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What are the disadvantages of horse stalls?

Disadvantages. Despite the benefits, there are also downsides to keeping horses in stalls. Limited mobility may lead to decreased muscle development and increased risk of health issues. Stalls require regular cleaning and maintenance to prevent ammonia buildup from urine and manure, which can cause respiratory problems ...
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What is the difference between stalls and stables?

An animal stall is an enclosure housing one or a few animals. Stalls for animals can often be found wherever animals are kept: a horse stable is often a purpose-built and permanent structure.
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Should horses be kept in stalls at night?

Stabling your horse overnight can give both the horse and the field some much-needed recovery time. Your horse doesn't have access to shelters in the field. Horses that are exposed to the elements all night long will often fare better when kept in a stable.
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What does a horse do before it dies?

Due to the aging factor, many horses start showing strange behavior like stopping eating, lying down most of the time, and experiencing a few other changes like grey hair and a rough coat. Still, not a single behavior can tell that the horse is familiar about its soon death.
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Why shouldn't you beat a dead horse?

To beat a dead horse would be pointless, as it wouldn't be able to go anywhere. An early written form of this popular idiom is found in an 1859 issue of the London paper Watchman and Wesleyan Advertiser: “It was notorious that Mr.
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Do they bury dead horses?

Sometimes horses were cremated, sometimes buried; sometimes they were placed in the same grave as humans, sometimes in a different pit; some cultures appear to favor horse burial for male warriors, others did not seem to differentiate in sex.
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Do horses get bored if not ridden?

Predictable routines and small stalls or enclosures that lack stimulation can easily bore horses. A lack of activity and exercise, or always performing the same tasks and exercise routines, can quickly become boring, and if horses have no way to relieve that boredom, they may suffer.
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Can I keep a horse in my garden UK?

Generally all equestrian use will require planning permission with a 'change of use' for any land and full planning permission for any new structures.
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What is cruel for a horse?

Making horses pull oversized loads like carriages is cruel. Horses are forced to toil in all weather extremes, dodge traffic, and pound the pavement all day long. They may develop respiratory ailments because they breathe in exhaust fumes, and they can suffer debilitating leg problems from walking on hard surfaces.
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