What is a pawn queen?

Most of the time, players promote a pawn to a queen, which is popularly known as "queening the pawn." After one player promotes a pawn, the other player has to move (unless they are checkmated, of course). Nowadays, players can promote their pawns to any of the pieces mentioned above.
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Can a pawn become a queen twice?

You may already be wondering if you have to hold off promoting a pawn to a queen if you've still already got your queen on the board with which you started. And I think you're going to like the answer to the question. No, you don't. You can promote a pawn to a queen, and have more than one queen on the board!
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Can you have 2 queens in chess?

In conclusion, you can have two queens on the board in chess, but only through pawn promotion. According to the FIDE rules, each player starts the game with only one queen on the board, and if a player already has a queen on the board, they can still promote another pawn to a queen.
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Can a rook become a queen?

The rook on the 8th row protected by a pawn on the seventh row could be sacrificed when it puts the opponents King in a checkmate except that the rook could be captured. When the pawn recaptures whichever piece too the rook on the 8th row it becomes whatever the player wants, I.e., a queen.
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Is a queen worth 8 or 9?

The queen is typically worth about nine pawns, which is slightly stronger than a rook and a bishop together, but slightly weaker than two rooks, though there are exceptions. It is almost always disadvantageous to exchange the queen for a single piece other than the enemy's queen.
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The Queen's Pawn Opening

Can a pawn beat a queen?

Originally Answered: Can a pawn kill a queen in chess? I would say, in general, yes a pawn can take a queen, or any other piece except for a king. But there might be a special situation where that would be illegal. For example, if the pawn is pinned (moving the pawn would expose his king to check).
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What is the weakest piece in chess?

The pawn (♙, ♟) is the most numerous and weakest piece in the game of chess.
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Can you have 3 queens in chess?

Yes, there can be as many as 18 queens on the board, the 2 original queens and 16 from promoted pawns. In a legitimate game, having 3 or 4 queens on the board happens, but it is pretty rare, especially for more than a few moves.
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What are the 3 special moves in chess?

Part VI: Special Moves- Castling, Pawn Promotion and En Passant. Castling is a special move using one rook and the king. Castling is the only time in chess in which you can move two pieces at once. There are two varieties, queenside and kingside.
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Who invented chess?

Legend has it that chess was invented around 200 B. C. by a commander, Hán Xin, who invented the game as a battle simulator. Soon after winning the battle, the game was forgotten, but it resurfaced in the 7th century. For the Chinese, Chess was invented by the mythical Emperor Shennong or by his successor, Huangdi.
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Can a king check a king?

A player may move the king, capture the threatening piece, or block the check with another piece. A king cannot itself directly check the opposing king, since this would place the first king in check as well. A move of the king could expose the opposing king to a discovered check by another piece, however.
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Can a bishop move backwards?

Bishops are diagonally-oriented pieces. They can move any number of squares diagonally, as long as there are no obstructions. Bishops can move both forward and backward along the diagonals they occupy.
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What is the most important piece in chess?

The King is the most important piece of the game! This piece cannot be taken off the board; the aim of the game is to capture your opponent's king, whilst keeping yours safe. The king moves one square at a time in any direction.
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Can you have 4 kings in chess?

Unlike all other pieces, each player can have only one king, and the kings are never removed from the board during the game.
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Can a pawn take a king?

The term “taking/capturing” the king is illegal in chess. Therefore, a pawn can't take the king. In chess, a game ends when the king is checkmated. In other words, when a king is under check (threatened to be captured) and doesn't have any safe place to go, it's a checkmate.
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Can you sacrifice a pawn in chess?

A player might sacrifice a pawn or piece to get open lines around the vicinity of the opponent's king, to get a kingside space advantage, to destroy or damage the opposing king's pawn cover, or to keep the opposing king in the center . Unless the opponent manages to fend off the attack, they are likely to lose.
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What is most difficult at chess?

One of the hardest technical endgames is pawnless two bishops vs knight, when the weaker side is ideally placed.
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What is the hardest chess piece to use?

The pawn is the trickiest piece because it cannot go backwards. This aspect of the pawn means that when you move it, it can never return to its old duties. It can sometimes be very tricky to figure out when is the right time to move a pawn.
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What is the most powerful move in chess?

Here are the results—the 10 best chess moves of all time:
  • #7 An Amazing Bishop Endgame.
  • #6 Bura's Desperado Sacrifice.
  • #5 Geller's Rook And Pawn Endgame.
  • #4 Vladimirov's Thunderbolt.
  • #3 Marshall's Legendary Move.
  • #2 Meier's Spectacular Sacrifice.
  • #1 Shirov's Jaw-Dropping Bishop Sacrifice.
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Can a bishop take a queen?

The answer is no because the bishop on c4 blocks the queen! However, the queen can capture the pawn on b7.
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Can a pawn take a rook?

The white pawn at e4 can capture either the black rook at d5 or the black knight at f5, but not the bishop at e5, which blocks its straight way forward. Unlike other pieces, the pawn does not capture in the same way as it moves. A pawn captures diagonally, one square forward and to the left or right.
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Can a king take a queen?

A king can capture a queen the same way it can capture any other piece. Unless the queen is defended, the king can capture it. If the queen is defended by some other piece or a pawn, king can't capture it, as that would put the king in check, so it is an illegal move.
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