What is the handshake etiquette in France?

Handshakes are the norm in a business setting or with acquaintances. It is expected that you will shake hands with everyone present when arriving and leaving. Among friends and relatives, the most common greeting is the 'la bise' (kiss on both cheeks).
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What do French people do when they shake hands?

In France, Belgium and Switzerland, people shake hands to greet those they don't know. Among young people or students, people introduce themselves simply by saying their surnames, along with a small wave of the hand, or a kiss on the cheek.
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What does the French handshake mean?

4- Se serrer la main

Meaning: To shake hands. How: French handshakes are brisk and firm, with one or two up-and-down movements while looking the person you're greeting straight in the eyes. Where / When: Shaking hands is the most common way to greet friends, colleagues, or strangers in France.
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What kind of handshake can you expect from the French?

But the French do not shake hands like other people. To execute a French handshake: Approach, extending your right hand with the palm facing left and making a soft “claw” shape with your fingers, keeping your thumb up and visible. The other person will automatically do the same thing.
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What is the formal etiquette in France?

Be polite and professional

In France, politeness and good manners are appreciated. Things like a proper greeting, asking “How are you” and saying “Thank you” can make all the difference. Remember to use proper titles to address people, mainly Madame and Monsieur.
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La bise: dos & don’ts

Do you shake hands in France?

The French do not just say 'Salut'. They also shake hands or kiss. At work in the morning, colleagues shake hands, and sometimes it is also customary to shake hands again at the end of the day. Shaking hands is thus a ritual at the beginning and end of each encounter, even if the encounter only lasts five minutes.
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What would be the polite way to greet someone in France?

The formal one: Bonjour!

Meaning: This failsafe greeting literally means “Good day”. About: It's suitable in every situation, from boss to baker to bestie, and is used from the morning until around 5pm. When in doubt, go for a simple bonjour!
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What is the 3 handshake rule?

TCP three-way handshake

Establishing a normal TCP connection requires three separate steps: The first host (Alice) sends the second host (Bob) a "synchronize" (SYN) message with its own sequence number. , which Bob receives. Bob replies with a synchronize-acknowledgment (SYN-ACK) message with its own sequence number.
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What not to do during a handshake?

Shake for no more than three “pumps”

A business handshake shouldn't last more than two to three pumps or approximately three seconds. If you hold on too long, or pump too many times as if you're trying to bring up water from a well, you can make people uncomfortable or appear anxious and unsure of yourself.
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What is the famous handshake problem?

Explanation: If there are n people in a room, each person will shake hands with the (n - 1) remaining people as they will not be shaking hands with themselves – hence we get (n)(n - 1). However, we need to divide this number by 2 since one handshake allows two people to shake hands.
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What does a loose handshake mean?

Limp fish: Opposite the bone crusher is the limp fish—a limp handshake that signals that you are nervous, uncertain, or uninvolved to the other person. A limp handshake can be particularly detrimental in professional settings.
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What does a sideways handshake mean?

Conversely, when someone offers his hand with the palm faced downwards (or twists his hand downward during the handshake) it sends a message of superiority. But people who offer a sideways hand to shake send a message of equality and confidence.
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How do French show politeness?

Always address people as Monsieur, Madame or Mademoiselle unless you are invited to be on first-name basis. Use tu and vous properly. The kiss (or kisses) on the cheeks between two people is called faire la bise and it is a common cultural practice in France.
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What is a rude hand gesture in France?

France - Two vulgar gestures in France would be to snap the fingers of both hands or slap an open palm over a closed fist. Russia - Shaking hands across a threshold is considered unlucky.
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What is considered rude in French culture?

Staring at a person is considered very rude. Speaking loudly to a person who accompanies you or when on the phone is also frowned upon. At the end of a meal, it is normal in France to share the bill equally among all the guests, unless one of them wants to pay everything.
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Is it rude to not say bonjour?

It doesn't matter if you're getting on a bus or greeting the doctor's receptionist, you must say “Bonjour”. Otherwise, they'll think you have no manners, are rude, and are badly brought up.
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Where is hand shaking disrespectful?


In some Asian countries, a hard handshake is considered rude. In Vietnam, you should only shake hands with someone who's your equal in age or rank. In Thailand, instead of shaking hands, you're more likely to bow with your hands together and up to your chest.
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What does it mean when someone scratches your palm during a handshake?

THAT is a request for sexual favors… BIG TIME sexual overtones there. WHILE they are shaking your hand one of their fingers scratches your palm… literally requesting a response from you.
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Is ignoring a handshake rude?

It is considered to be an accepted means of greeting people and is the epitome of politeness in diverse cultures – especially in the Western world. As well as being a means of greeting people, it is also used to build rapport and trust with people. Ignoring a handshake is deemed to be impolite and rude.
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Do you squeeze in a handshake?

As you are engaging hands, keep your thumb pointing up. Don't try to engage with a palm up or palm down approach. Move your hands forward, and don't grip or squeeze until the web of your hand (between the thumb and your first finger) has firmly engaged with the web of your partner's hand.
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How many seconds should a handshake last?

Make it brief

A handshake lasts about two to four seconds. If you started the handshake, try to disengage after three seconds to prevent making the other person uncomfortable.
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What are three things a handshake should not be?

To avoid appearing rude, wimpy, aggressive, or just plain gross, here are some tips for creating a positive and assertive first impression.
  • Know when to shake hands. ...
  • Shake for no more than three “pumps” ...
  • Don't use a “dead fish” or “wet fish” handshake. ...
  • Don't use a “bone crusher” handshake.
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Why do the French say Coucou?

Meaning: “Hi!” About: Coucou is a sweet, sincere way of saying hi, normally reserved for close friends and family. It's a little like saying “darling!” or “hey babe!”. It's warm and fuzzy – and, while not in the least bit offensive, typically a bit too cuddly and casual for work.
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How do you respond to Bonjour in French?

You can either reply saying "Bonjour" back or you could say "salut" which also means hello but in an informal way. This is especially important in French because French-speakers tend to be much more formal about greetings. It's also nice for children to always sing the same song at the beginning of a class.
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