When you leave a store in France what is the first thing you should say?

– When you have finished selecting and paying for your items (and even if you have not made a purchase) and you are getting ready to leave the store, always smile, say, “Thank you!” “Merci!,” and “Good Bye,” “Au revoir“).
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When you enter a store in France what is the first thing you should say?

You should also greet store clerks when you enter and leave a shop, such as bonjour (or bonsoir after 6pm) and au revoir or merci when you leave, plus sir or madam if you wish.
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What is the greeting etiquette in France?

Handshakes are the norm in a business setting or with acquaintances. It is expected that you will shake hands with everyone present when arriving and leaving. Among friends and relatives, the most common greeting is the 'la bise' (kiss on both cheeks).
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What is considered rude in French culture?

In France, we refrain from calling after 22:00 hours on the phone (10 pm), except when calling close friends. Spitting in the street is strictly prohibited. Belching in public is very rude. Yawning without covering your mouth, nose or sneezing loudly are also considered very bad behavior.
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How do French show respect?

Manners, politeness & greetings

The 'bonjour' is usually followed by a handshake in a formal context or 'les bises' or kiss one on each side of the cheeks. The kisses on the cheeks demonstrate affection, friendship or respect. These customs have evolved with the global pandemic and may change over time.
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Top 15 Must-Know French Phrases to Go Shopping in France

How do you greet a shopkeeper in France?

In a restaurant, shop, market, or boutique actively greeting the keeper and staff is expected. Simply say, “Bonjour, Madame” for women and “Bonjour, Monsieur” when addressing men.
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How to be polite to French people?

Always address people as Monsieur, Madame or Mademoiselle unless you are invited to be on first-name basis. Use tu and vous properly. The kiss (or kisses) on the cheeks between two people is called faire la bise and it is a common cultural practice in France.
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What are some bad manners in France?

Elbows on the table is considered bad manners in France, just as in America. However, the French keep both hands on the table, rather than in the lap. Women do not pour wine for themselves; the man sitting next to them does. Sit up straight, chew quietly and don't laugh or speak too loudly.
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What is a rude gesture in France?

France - Two vulgar gestures in France would be to snap the fingers of both hands or slap an open palm over a closed fist.
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What to beware of with the French?

You could come across as overly familiar or even rude. So avoid the “Hi Thierry, how are you?” at the first meeting. Avoid talking about money, it is taboo in France! Don't say how much you earn or what you own and don't ask your French interlocutors about it, it might make them uncomfortable.
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How do you politely order food in French?

Using je voudrais + un/une + noun to order food

To order food, you can simply use the indefinite article un (masculine) or une (feminine) + the item. You would normally add s'il vous plaît ('please'), at the end of the sentence: Une soupe de poisson, s'il vous plaît. One fish soup, please.
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What does the French handshake mean?

4- Se serrer la main

Meaning: To shake hands. How: French handshakes are brisk and firm, with one or two up-and-down movements while looking the person you're greeting straight in the eyes. Where / When: Shaking hands is the most common way to greet friends, colleagues, or strangers in France.
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Is it rude to not say bonjour?

It doesn't matter if you're getting on a bus or greeting the doctor's receptionist, you must say “Bonjour”. Otherwise, they'll think you have no manners, are rude, and are badly brought up.
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What do you reply to Bonjour?

You can either reply saying "Bonjour" back or you could say "salut" which also means hello but in an informal way. This is especially important in French because French-speakers tend to be much more formal about greetings. It's also nice for children to always sing the same song at the beginning of a class.
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Is it customary to tip in France?

In France, tipping isn't typically expected in restaurants, taxis, and hotels, as the country's hospitality sector includes service charges in its pricing. Unlike in other countries, servers receive a decent monthly wage, paid holidays, and additional benefits.
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Do you tip in Paris?

Should you leave a tip? In Paris, the bill in bars and restaurants includes a service charge, so you do not have to leave a tip. However, if you have been satisfied with your meal and the service you are welcome to do so. A tip in general amounts to 5 to 10% of the bill.
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Is thumbs up rude in France?

Gestures: French people tend to use the 'thumbs up' sign to indicate 'okay'. Making a circle with the thumb and index finger means 'zero' in France.
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What does two fingers up mean in France?

This story maintains that British archers were so effective and so feared by their enemy that when the French captured an archer they chopped off the two fingers he needed to draw a bow-string. Bowmen who had not been thus disfigured took to holding up two fingers to taunt their cowardly foes.
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Why is eye contact rude in France?

For Parisians eye contact is a personal matter, much like your choice of wine, or infidelity in relationships. As a general rule, you have to avoid looking strangers in the eye; it's slightly offensive. Remember, personal space reigns.
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How do I not act like a tourist in France?

You'll earn respect from the French if you know a few key phrases. When entering and exiting a business, it is polite to say "bonjour," "merci" and "au revoir" rather than speaking in English. Saying "ca va?" (an informal "how are you?" and "I'm okay") will really earn you brownie points among your French friends!
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What is socially unacceptable in France?

Keep your hands out of your pockets when in public. Slapping an open palm over a closed fist is offensive to the French. Snapping fingers is also considered offensive. It is extremely bad manners to ask a French individual about his political leanings or how he voted.
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Is burping rude in France?

Confusing, right? In France, when it comes to French etiquette at the table, you should simply refrain from producing any slurping, chewing, gargling, or burping sounds at the table, or really, in any public place.
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What to ask a French person?

  • Où sont les toilettes ? (e) Where is the bathroom?
  • Comment vas-tu ? (e) How are you? ...
  • Comment t'appelles-tu ? (e) What's your name? ...
  • Quel est ton numéro de téléphone ? (e) What's your phone number? ...
  • Quel âge as-tu ? (e) How old are you? ...
  • D'où venez-vous ? (e) ...
  • Qu'est-ce que c'est? (s) ...
  • Qu'avez-vous dit ? (s)
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How can I speak French confidently?

7 tips on speaking French fluently and confidently
  1. Pronunciation is key. There's a pleasure that comes from speaking French with a (fairly) authentic French accent – consider it your reward for studying French pronunciation. ...
  2. Watch and listen. ...
  3. Find your purpose. ...
  4. Sing along. ...
  5. Fill in the gaps. ...
  6. Make it a game. ...
  7. Speak up.
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How do you hold a French conversation?

1. Basic French conversation: Greetings and first questions
  1. Quoi de neuf ? = What's new? What's up?
  2. Tu fais quoi dans la vie ? = What do you do for a living?
  3. Tu viens d'où ? = Where are you from?
  4. Comment tu t'appelles ? = What's your name?
  5. C'est quoi ton nom ? = What's your name? (informal, everyday spoken French)
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