Why is February spelled like that?

February, like the names of most months, has Latin roots. It descended from Februarius, a month in the ancient Roman calendar. The name actually comes from the festival of februum, a purification ritual celebrated during the month. The ancient Roman calendar was eventually reformed by Julius Cesar in 46 BC.
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Why is February mispronounced?

The loss of the first "r" in the pronunciation of February is (in part) the result of a process called dissimilation (or haplology), where one of two similar sounds in a word is sometimes changed or dropped to avoid the repetition of that sound. (A similar process sometimes occurs with the pronunciation of library.)
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Why is the D silent in Wednesday?

That 'd' comes from when the day was known as "Woden's Day" back in the days of old English. Though it hasn't been pronounced like that since the 15th century, the spelling stuck, confusing English language learners around the world. Even Shakespeare was powerless in trying to get rid of that useless 'd. '
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How does the UK spell February?

What is the definition of February?
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Why is two spelled that way?

This word comes from the Old English 'twa' and twegen (then twain), in which the 'w' was pronounced. The 'w' in two shows its connection to other words meaning two – twin, twice, twenty (two lots of 10), twofold, twelve (10 plus two more) and between (in the middle of two).
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How to Pronounce February (2 Correct Ways)

Why do people pronounce iron as I run?

It's because of a very common process called Metathesis. /'aɪən/ is the metathesised version of (/'aɪrən/). 'Iron' commonly used to be pronounced the way it's spelt (/'aɪrən/), but due to metathesis, its pronunciation became EYE-URN (/'aɪən/).
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Why do we not pronounce the W in sword?

The W in 'two' and 'sword' is silent because of a sound change that took place somewhere between Old English & Middle English. The change applied to words in which the W was preceded by [s, t] and followed by a back vowel like [ɔ o ɑ u] etc.
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Is it spelled February or Feburary?

Spelling of February: February is spelled F-e-b-r-u-a-r-y. The “f” should always be capitalized because it is the name of a month. Definition of February: February is the second month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars; it is the month immediately after January, which is the first month of the year.
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What is the Old English name for February?

The most common Old English name was Solmonath, which literally means “mud month.” A lesser-used term was Kale-monath, which meant “cabbage month.” Perhaps, the medieval English were eating a lot of cabbage in February? Strange.
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What is the old spelling of February?

The name of the festival was Februa. Because of its importance the Romans named the month in which it fell Februarius, which means "of Februa." The English name February comes from the Latin Februarius.
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Why is Colonel spelled without an R?

Why is the word “colonel” pronounced with an “r” sound when it is not spelled with an “r”? “Colonel” came to English from the mid-16th-century French word coronelle, meaning commander of a regiment, or column, of soldiers. By the mid-17th century, the spelling and French pronunciation had changed to colonnel.
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Why does February have 2 Rs?

It descended from Februarius, a month in the ancient Roman calendar. The name actually comes from the festival of februum, a purification ritual celebrated during the month.
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Why is there an R in February but not January?

2 Answers. In the Roman calendar January was the month of Janus, the god of gates and doorways (janua), this month being the "doorway" to the year. February was the month of purificatory rites, februa. The original LATIN word from which they were created show this.
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What is Archie short for?

What does Archie mean? Shortened version of the name Archibald, which is composed of the Germanic elements ercan, meaning "genuine" and bald, meaning "bold" or "brave". Pronounced: AHr chee.
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Why is April called April?

The English word April comes from the Latin Aprilis, the name given to the month by the ancient Romans. No one knows for certain why the Romans named it as they did. Some Roman authors thought that Aprilis was related to the Latin verb aperire meaning "to open," because April "opened" the buds of leaves and flowers.
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Why is January named January?

January. January is named after the Roman god Janus. As you can see in this print, he had two faces so he could see the future and the past. He was also the god of doors.
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How do you say February in a British accent?

How do you pronounce “February” in British English? In British English, "February" is pronounced as "feh-b-yoo-er-ee".
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Does anyone pronounce the R in February?

Most dictionaries consider the first r to be silent, although they also consider it correct to pronounce it with the r. Presumably it is silent because it is awkward to say.
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Is February a proper name?

The noun February is a proper noun because it is the name of a specific month. All the months of the year are proper nouns, such as April, June, and September. All the months are capitalized because they are proper nouns.
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Which letter is silent in sandwich?

In the word 'sandwich', if you looked that up in the dictionary, you WOULD see the D sound. But it's actually never pronounced that way. So Wednesday, Handsome: the dictionary says no D. But 'Sandwich', the dictionary does say D but it hasn't caught up with the actual habits of how we speak.
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What is the silent word in dumb?

Silent B words

The letter B likes to silently follow the letter M at the end of many words, such as in dumb, plumb, crumb, thumb, numb, succumb, lamb, limb, climb, tomb, comb, bomb, and womb.
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