Hop Farm Car Boot

Hop Farm Car Boot
Car Price £15
Van Price £15
Buyer Price £1
Telephone +447807358042

Is Hop Farm Car Boot Sale open today?

Early entrance available from 9.30am -11.30am on the dates listed below for 2023. Afternoon entrance from 12.30pm.

April 7/8/9/10/15/16/22/23/29/30

May 1/6/7/8/13/14/20/21/27/28/29

June 3/4/10/11/17/18/24/25

July 1/2/8/9/15/16/22/23/29/30

August 5/6/12/13/19/20/26/27

September 2/3/9/10/16/17/23/24/30

October 1/7/8/14/15/21/22/28/29

Last Updated on

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