Bromsgrove Car Boot Sale

Bromsgrove Car Boot Sale Bromsgrove Car Boot Sale
Car Price £8
Van Price £10
Large Van Price £10

Is Bromsgrove Car Boot Sale open today?

Bromsgrove Car Boot Sale is open monthly – the next car boot sale is on Sunday 1st October from 8am for sellers, and 9am for buyers.


  • Sunday 1st October
  • Sunday 8th October

Last Updated on


joseph bennett

Very good carboot had a great day


Nice and clean carboot

Mike Bravo

A medium sized car boot, with enough space to comfortably park over 100 vehicles. Approximately 65 stalls selling a variety of items, including a plant seller. When we attended they had 2 (free) toilets, two food & drink vendors and an ice cream van as well. Cars are parked the other side of an area reserved for disabled drivers, which is mostly vacant and a number of people were sitting on enjoying the nice weather. We’d estimate it to be around roughly a quarter as big as Hogg’s Lane car boot. My partner is the type that looks at almost everything and she was done in about 90 minutes, if that helps.

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