How far below my house do I own UK?

For freehold properties, typically houses, the answer in the UK is relatively simple. The owner of a freehold property owns everything from the centre of the earth up to the “lower stratum” which is not well defined but is somewhere between 500ft (150 metres) to 1,000ft (300 metres) above ground level.
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Do I actually own the land under my house?

If you own a freehold house you normally own the property and the land it sits on. You are responsible for all maintenance and can make alterations to the property as you wish (subject to any planning permissions required). If you own a leasehold, you do not own the land the property sits on.
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Who owns the ground under my house UK?

Under the common law, all mines and minerals which lie beneath the soil of the land owned by the landowner belongs wholly to the landowner. There are a few exceptions to this rule; for instance, under section 9 of the Coal Industry Act 1994, coal belongs to the Coal Authority.
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Who owns the space above my house UK?

In the UK we have no official air right definition or costings. Technically you own the land in a vertical column, but you are subject to planning considerations and other factors. There are aviation rights you have to bear in mind when deciding how high you want to build as this may impact the navigable airspace.
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Is every piece of land owned?

Nearly every piece of land on the Earth is a property and has a maintainer (owner). The class of objects, "unowned things", are objects which are not yet property; either because it has been agreed by sovereign nations that no one can own them, or because no person, or other entity, has made a claim of ownership.
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Self Build House UK - Watch This BEFORE Buying Land

Do I actually own my land UK?

You can own a piece of land if it is registered or unregistered. Most land will be registered thus findable on the government database (HM Land Registry) though parcels are scattered across the country where no registration has taken place yet an owner still exists.
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Is there any land in the UK not owned by anyone?

Some people think that unregistered land isn't owned by anyone or refer to it as 'no man's land'. But this isn't right. In England and Wales, all land is owned by somebody, even if the legal owner can't be identified.
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How much below your house do you own?

Could this be your basement? Answer: If it's under your land, it's yours. That is, unless it's coal, oil, gas or certain precious metals. The Crown is also entitled to all gold and silver found in gold and silver mines on or beneath anyone's property.
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How far above my house do I own UK?

This is the airspace which exists above the height which is reasonably acceptable and necessary for the ordinary use and enjoyment of the land by its owner – around 500 to 1000 feet above roof space level (Section 76 Civil Aviation Act 1982).
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Do I own the airspace above my garden?

You also own, and have rights in the airspace above your property; however, these rights are limited. There are two types of airspace – the lower and upper stratums.
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Do I own the land below my house UK?

Could this be your basement? Answer: If it's under your land, it's yours. That is, unless it's coal, oil, gas or certain precious metals. The Crown is also entitled to all gold and silver found in gold and silver mines on or beneath anyone's property.
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Do I own the verge outside my house UK?

In most cases the grass verges beside roads and footways, up to the boundary wall, hedge or fence, are part of the highway. It's our responsibility to maintain the verges, including cutting the grass. We usually delegate this work to the local district or borough council.
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Do you need planning permission to dig under house?

Planning permission may not be required in some instances, for example when extending an existing basement or cellar in a house that benefits from permitted development rights. In most other situations, however, you will need planning permission for a basement extension in London.
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How far underground do I own UK?

Answer: If it's under your land, it's yours. That is, unless it's coal, oil, gas or certain precious metals. The Crown is also entitled to all gold and silver found in gold and silver mines on or beneath anyone's property.
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How many houses can you own UK?

How many homes can I own in the UK at the same time? There is no limit to how many properties you can own simultaneously here in the UK. According to CIA Landlords, you can own as many rental properties as your budget will support, either using your own money, a mortgage, or through some other sort of financing.
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Does the crown own all land in UK?

Under our legal system, the Monarch (currently King Charles III), as head of state, owns the superior interest in all land in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. In most cases, this is usually irrelevant but it can become relevant if a freehold property becomes ownerless.
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Who owns the sky above my house?

In plain speak the principle is that the owner of a parcel of land also owns the air above and the ground below, unless of course there is a clause in the titles granting mineral rights to another party.
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How much airspace do you own above your property UK?

This is the airspace which exists above the height which is reasonably acceptable and necessary for the ordinary use and enjoyment of the land by its owner – around 500 to 1000 feet above roof space level (Section 76 Civil Aviation Act 1982).
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Do I own the land above my house?

You also own, and have rights in the airspace above your property; however, these rights are limited.
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Can I own 10% of a house?

Buying your share

The share you can buy is usually between 25% and 75%. You can buy a 10% share on some homes. You can take out a mortgage to buy your share or pay for it with savings. You'll also need to pay a deposit, usually between 5% and 10% of the share you're buying.
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Can you own 1% of a house?

Yes you can.

Buying as tenants in common means that you can own unequal shares in the property.
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Who are the largest landowners in the UK?

The government (together with its QUANGOs) is the biggest land owner by area, the Forestry Commission owning some 2,200,000 acres (890,000 ha), the MoD 1,101,851 acres (445,903 ha), the Crown Estate 678,420 acres (274,550 ha), DEFRA 116,309 acres (47,069 ha) and Homes England 19,349 acres (7,830 ha).
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What is the 7 year boundary rule UK?

The rule stipulates that if a boundary, such as a fence, has been in a particular position for a continuous 7-year period and has not been contested during that time, it is generally considered the legal boundary of the properties involved.
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How long do you have to occupy land before it becomes yours UK?

Where land is registered there is greater protection from title being lost to someone else by adverse possession. If someone who does not own any adjoining land, occupies someone else's registered land, then after 10 years adverse possession they can apply to the Land Registry to be registered as the new owner.
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Can you legally claim an abandoned property UK?

Yes, you can claim a derelict or abandoned house. Claiming an abandoned house allows individuals to become property owners without spending much money. But, claiming a derelict property is not as straightforward as it may seem.
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